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Breaking up after 3 years...

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Hm I dunno if anyone would be able to know how that feels though. I will accept breaking up, but not like this when the reason is because HER mom hates me and SHE seems to think it would be better for us if we split up...



longest relationship i had was two years

he broke up with me because i talked to people

begged me back after

fuck men


what the biscuit--- LOL

and i think thats why you went for me leni (;


Well I would really accept the break up if it was my fault or something... We are in good terms but. sigh argh can't explain it...


Relationships are taboo. There's no such thing as one woman when you're young. No need to feel all rejected when you don't even intend on marrying that woman or starting a family with her. But I can't blame ya since everyone else experiences something like this in their lives.

How old are you?


well I am just 18 although I am mature, too mature on my age i tell you...


if i were you... i would not break up with her... you'll be living with her not to her mother... so in the end it'll be just the two of you...

but... if she is giving you up, i don't see any reason why you should continue your relationship, a relationship will not work if only one side is giving, always remember that in a relationship there is always, UNDERSTANDING, LOVING, SHARING AND ALWAYS GIVE AND TAKE, IT IS NOT ONE SIDED... that's all i want to say... btw i'm married that's why i know what to say...

This sounds like an easy way of letting you know she's seeing someone else... or wants to.

well ryoji you are right actually. I know she is seeing someone else the moment we broke up. She told me, that is how honest we are with each other... I know the guy and I even talked to him, and told him to take care of her. THAT MOVE MADE ME EXERT ALL SELF CONTROL I HAVE IN MY BODY.

Guys, even though I haven't met most of you in game or in real life, thanks a lot. you made me feel a lot better. it is just that, I Love her so much.


You'll eventually get over it. If she's seeing someone else, then she isn't for you. You deserve better than that.


You don't really love a person, at least that's what I noticed.

I had three serious girlfriends and lots of flings.

What I noticed was that it's more interesting when you're still trying to get her, and gets boring after a while.


For your case though, if you broke up because of her parents then that would be a big problem. You either prove to them you're better than other men or they'll never change their minds. :[


Actually I don't want to break up. But I value her opinion way more than mine. That's why when she said we need to this and that, I just couldn't refuse...

The main problem for us is that, she cannot muster the courage to fight for us. She cannot fight her mom whatever happens...

Seriously, right now, I don't know what to do...

  VapoRub said:

It will always be disappointing to break up or end a relationship, but what is even worse is such an unclear and unfair falling out with someone you genuinely deeply care for. God damn, what an awful, awful feeling.

You just hit the cookie right there.


I know the feelings coz i been in many relationship before. Now I quit looking for them. I can say girls have many reasons and digital alibis. They are easy in changing their minds. All I can say, don't Look for LOVE, let the LOVE look for you.

P.S. - My Relationship History

- 1 month

- 2 weeks

- 2 month

- 2 years

- 1 day

- 1 night

- Can't remember everything let's have a short cut.

- someone caught me and we are 7 years now.



every word you said hit me. I didn't know what to say... Words aren't enough for me to say thanks to you...

and what jerry quoted from your entry... that would probably happen to me if I don't talk to her right? I think I might know that feeling and it is indeed very very awful.


After being in a relationship for 3 months, you have to pay for your love.

You trust her quite a bit, but she could just lie to you and use her mother as an excuse so she can date someone her does' like'.

And even if you'd be too mature for your age, then you're making a mistake.

Stay young no matter what, be mature on meetings, in business and in your decisions, all the other things should be up to you how you act.

Don't be stiff, loosen up, if your mind stays young, so will your body.

Anyway, you wasted about 2 years of your love life on her as this problem probably always was there.

A relationship has to work from both sides and with her not fighting to prove you're a good person, it would never have worked out.

She threw you off the love boat and you're on your way to pleasure island, worse things could happen.


I actually didn't expect the FRO community to come to rescue this way. thanks...


Go clarify things up with her at least. This is one of the worst ways to break up. All excuses and everything's a blur.

And heh, 'rescue' huh? If you like to put things that way, then sure. /ok


@ hrist-

Yeah I am gonna do that..

Well yeah it is "rescue". almost none of my friends gave me advices, they only gave me kind words, which I really hate. I always told them that "kind words aren't really kind once spoken" but they never listened so there you go.

Hm but what Vapo said was truly, hmm illuminating? I seem to think that there are other reasons for it but I seem to be too blind. gotta stop doing that :D


Thanks too. really nice video.

Well now once I get complete closure on this. I just wish someone IS out there for me.


There are always exceptions to age. My martial arts Sensei met his wife when they were 15 and they're still married and he's in his 40's. So if you feel that you're an exception to the 'rule' that young individuals usually don't have meaningful relationships, then don't despair. It's ok to know you're more mature and capable of handling a heavier relationship. And three years means you were 15 when you met. That in itself is wonderful.


Just don't let 'Sorrow' get you and you'll be fine >;3

Just for the record, for what i've read...she doesn't deserve you anyways.


Thanks Devotion for those words.

Well Sorrow, I cannot answer to that. sigh wow look at me still defending her. I must have looked pathetic...

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