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[ATTN] Sprite Ideas

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Should be added November-December as something seasonal.

Oh my god, that's actually really hot. I'd love to see it in-game.

scarfs for lower headgear


Pikachu rucksacks?

I edit the rucksacks in the server updates?

Hope its good!





Why not edit this hair, make the face actually shaded;


Looks waaaaaay better shaded. ):

After all it would make a really cute hair style.

or some classy hair styles like these;


Need. 34 & 68 & 69. ;-;

Who cares, let's just take all of them . ;____;
Most of our hairstyles are hideous... we need more. :[ But meh, oh well. Let's continue the sprite ideas. 8d.

We need new hairstyles i tell you, I don't want to have someone with the same hair as me XD

oh and the scarf is sxc, I just hope it doesn't get removed once the christmas season is over(if it is implemented at that time.)


Mannn new hair style's would be so cool!


For you Soul Eater fans out there, here's an idea. What if we had something like these as an "aura." Personally, I think this would work best as a quest. A pretty hard one too. :] <3 I think it would most likely be a lower headgear, or a mid-headgear, like RoP and Emperium Aurora are.

Images :

01. [ Click Me ! ]

02. [ Click Me! ]

03. [ Click Me! ]

04. [ Click Me! ]

05. [ Click Me! ]

06. [ Click Me! ]

It doesn't have to be exact, but it can be similar. Here's what I think about placement :

Single Placement :


(Image done in photoshop, I don't sprite.)


Just throwing some ideas out there, I thought this would be pretty fun. Another idea was that the party members would be connected through "lightning" when party members wear this "aura."

Example :

01. [ Click Me! ]

And from the first one :


(Yes, I know they're horrible. I had to quickly do them in photoshop. Not a spriter myself. /no1 The lightning will be way different of course, and the "auras" as well. LOL.)

I'm guessing this isn't possible with a high percentage. If it isn't, then ignore this. It was just a random thought.

Anyways, just an idea. :] P.S. My images are hideous. Q_Q;.


Oh, really?

ignore 2nd idea pls .


i dont see why he said no to the Hairstyles, most of the ones for Males makes their head float which makes your choice VERY limited -_\\\, tbh i want a Long hair hairstyle for Males like the guy in the red coat and long white hair in Prontera etc. etc. that would be awesome.

No more hairstyle talk

No more hairstyle talk

No more hairstyle talk

No more hairstyle talk

No more hairstyle talk

No more hairstyle talk

Make a red bandana that goes over the eyes but has eye holes so we can be like the original Ninja Turtles. *^_^*


I say more gore in the game! That seems like a pretty good idea?!?!

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