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Hello ForsakenRO

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Hi, my name is Xiolong. :cool:

I joined this server about 3 days ago after being banned from another server by a non-rule abiding Admin. Whom had no care for any other people for himself. I wish he would die.

So now I am at ForsakenRO! No donar exclusive items, that is very cool. Server seems like it has a very nice, rule abiding GM team too. Plus a nice community, no one is trash talking each other over the broadcaster cause of a death in pvp.

So yeah my first post on these forums! I hope I can put out a couple guides after learning a little about the server.

Oh yeah, I play the best class, Lord Knight. :wink:



Welcome to Forsaken!

Yes, our GM team is good at what they do. ;3

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time, even if you are confused on what the best class is. /gg

Pm Ryaiyu in game if you need any help~



i agree.. =3 but anyways, welcome to the "family". you will enjoy fro, that i can assure you.


Welcome to fro ;] saw you in my chatroom earlier lol but I was afk


Hiyaaaaa, welcome to fRO

Hope u enjoy your stay, if u got any questions feel free to ask me or anybody else.

My ign is Dadron3, see you in game :]


Welcome to the server. PM me here or ingame if you have any kind of question. :]


Oh I seen you already! I saw you on last night sitting where I sit xD

If you need any help let me know!~


Haha, thanks for the warm welcome guys! /thx

Lol! Rinrin! Uhm I hope I made a good impression. /heh

I hope to see you all in-game! :king:


ya sup

Hi, my name is Xiolong. :cool:

I joined this server about 3 days ago after being banned from another server by a non-rule abiding Admin. Whom had no care for any other people for himself. I wish he would die.

So now I am at ForsakenRO! No donar exclusive items, that is very cool. Server seems like it has a very nice, rule abiding GM team too. Plus a nice community, no one is trash talking each other over the broadcaster cause of a death in pvp.

So yeah my first post on these forums! I hope I can put out a couple guides after learning a little about the server.

Oh yeah, I play the best class, Lord Knight. :wink:


youd be surprise how that broadcast thing come xD, however those who do that are jailed =).

Welcome to Forsaken =)


Hello and welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online! I hope you have a fun time here. If you need help PM [GM]Bomb in-game or @request. Have fun!


Hi there, Welcome to fRO Forums, Play safe and Enjoy the game. :rolleyes_anim:

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