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FCP Scrolls, Dispel & You

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Hello Everyone,

As I've encountered thousands of matches during LMS, TLMS, GvG and WoE fights,

I have based a theory and a possible suggestion to make magic classes/professors more useful.

The CP used from the scrolls isn't using any specific catalyst,

therefore, I think it would be reasonable, to make it dispel-able by level 5 dispel (won't make Valkyrie card overpowered).

Keeping the current CP intact will make creators more wanted and adding Dispel utility for Professors making them also more viable in fights.

As a GM I wanted the opinion of the public about this whole idea instead of keeping it in those GM Forums and being denied/implemented out of nowhere.

Let me hear your thoughts about it and discuss how it will improve/nerf the current PvP situation.

CP = Chemical Protection


I'm guessing the person who posted above did not get what Sensation meant.


I'm all for it. FCP scrolls should have been wiped out months ago. I guess making dispell penetrate through the scrolls is just right.

But I think creators are still used anyway, even with the FCP scrolls. o.o;


It is PvP orientated, not PvE.

Plus dispel won't remove CP, it will only remove the CP _Scroll_ effect, not the creator skill which uses a catalyst.

And about Masquerade's post, I'd like to enlighten that creators are indeed used, but only for a quick buff and then log/kill purposes.

Giving them a more important role in the game would also mean they're played more.


Go for it. Now people are going to have to have creators to FCP them and give profs a bit more of a chance in LMS.

I actually like this idea. Question: Would the FCP Scroll Effect be removed if Gypsy / Clown's Dispel Tarot Card was used?
I actually like this idea. Question: Would the FCP Scroll Effect be removed if Gypsy / Clown's Dispel Tarot Card was used?

I'm thinking about the effect this would have.

But as Gypsies and Clowns are currently doing 'ok' in these battle fields, I'm tempted to say no.

Limiting this to professors only will make the magic class more important,

as soon the shield is stripped magic can be overpowered as it was before and that's what balancing is all about.

Though I'll keep it in mind.

It can always be changed at a later point if it's not bringing magic classes back as much as I'd hope for.


I am not sure if its quite possible , even though yeah dispelling fcp scrolls would be a good thing indeed .


I do think it's a good idea.

Please keep it so that tarot card doesn't dispell it, though. Bards and gypsies are strong enough as it is. XD


The way I see it is possible is duplicating the current skill that gives CP(now using the current biochemist skills) and renaming it.

Then allow dispel to dispel that skill (different ID and name).

Of course, some testing has to be done, but it sounds fair to me.


GM can you delete my 2 post above? -thank you

Anyways, just go to ratemyserver and check out the scripts of each cp scroll.

Chemical Protection Helm :

{ skilleffect "AM_CP_HELM",0; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; },{},{}

"Mod Chem Protection Helm :

{ skilleffect "AM_CP_HELM",0; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; },{},{}"

GM can you delete my 2 post above? -thank you

Anyways, just go to ratemyserver and check out the scripts of each cp scroll.

Chemical Protection Helm :

{ skilleffect "AM_CP_HELM",0; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; },{},{}

"Mod Chem Protection Helm :

{ skilleffect "AM_CP_HELM",0; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; },{},{}"

As you want.

And I wasn't talking about the skilleffect, they probably will stay almost intact except the "AM_CP_[itemslot]" part.

A whole new skill has to be developed from the current ones.

eAthena skill.c

    case AM_CP_SHIELD:
    case AM_CP_ARMOR:
    case AM_CP_HELM:
            enum sc_type scid = (sc_type)(SC_STRIPWEAPON + (skillid - AM_CP_WEAPON));
            if(tsc && tsc->data[scid])
                status_change_end(bl, scid, -1 );

Would have to be changed into something like:

    case CP_SHIELD:
    case CP_ARMOR:
    case CP_HELM:
            enum sc_type scid = (sc_type)(SC_STRIPWEAPON + (skillid - CP_WEAPONS));
            if(tsc && tsc->data[scid])
                status_change_end(bl, scid, -1 );

Creating whole new skills (removed "AM_") and those could be used accordingly with the scrolls.

14517,CP_Helm_Scroll,Chemical Protection Helm Scroll,2,,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ skilleffect "CP_HELM",0; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; },{},{}

Well, it's just a fair chunk of coding, but you'll get my point (simple example only, we'd have to replace AM and the SC versions with a new one to make it work).


This could work, I would just hate to see like 50 people playing prof just so they can strip shield and spam magic skills on people in LMS to win.

This could work, I would just hate to see like 50 people playing prof just so they can strip shield and spam magic skills on people in LMS to win.

Exactly. :/

This could work, I would just hate to see like 50 people playing prof just so they can strip shield and spam magic skills on people in LMS to win.

If profs can dispel FCP, they wouldn't be the only class trying to strip. As it is, it would require more berries than the average prof can carry, and a death wish, for a prof to rush a melee class to attempt to strip shield. If they're pdodge, their magic attacks wouldn't be as strong, therefore increasing your odds of survival.

FCP scrolls should have been wiped out months ago. I

I'd have to agree with this only because too many people abused the you-know-what

last year and lied ...

... even though I've spent billions of zeny buying FCP scrolls from the @at's in pront,

I'd have to think removing them altogther would be easier and possibly the most fair

solution since fcp scrolls haven't been handed out in almost or over a year ...

... after they've all been removed/deleted simply add them back to the database and

start all over but this time give them out to winners of a different event besides the

pvp-based events, like dice or HnS, that way the random winners can profit off of the

PvP winners(which are usually the same 2 dozen people) instead of ''making the rich richer"


Uhh.. Prof try to strip people with gtb and dispell < gtb.


It's not about the Strip Shield and Dispel, it is about letting dispel remove the Chemical Protection which is applied through the scrolls.

You seem to miss my point sadly.

Reread what's been wrote,

I've been trying to describe the whole situation as good as possible.


There's one major point here that people may miss out on, just saying, in case.

It's CP from CP Scrolls that's gonna get Dispelled.

Most people in LMS are on Glistening Coat FCPs anyway. It wouldn't make much a difference for the general crowd except for the few rich/old people who DO have FCP scrolls, which takes away that advantage of an extended FCP without being/having a Biochemist on, and this sounds alright to me.

I'm all for this suggestion.


It wouldn't just nerf the usage of the current Scroll, it will increase the amount of professors (and hopefully other magic classes too).

It will make creators more wanted as their FCP DOES protect them from this spell and it will bring PvP related events and battles to a whole new level and making class balance even better.

Once a shield is stripped, magic classes totally dominate, yet they stay fragile themselves.

This makes things a lot more interesting.


agree to this one. I would want to see more profs in LMS too, or any other magic classes. the only time I seem to see many of them is in TLMS..


There's also the option of dispel removing CP at a smaller chance, say 30 percent (If that's possible)

OR! We can just get rid of the damn scrolls. That would be much easier. And before anyone complains about how many coupons they spent on scrolls, we could possibly arrange an exchange NPC that give you coupons back for your useless scrolls.


if you're going to get rid of the scrolls then i agree there should be a npc added because i'd be kinda pissed when i have 2400+ useless scrolls in my storage. ]:

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