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fking crown!

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fking crown [2] (donation)

int +10, luk +10, PD +10

(immunity to freeze all stats + 10 max hp +5% if forsaken king items equipped)


Lol. so its a helm similar to fhelm centered to benefit the PD/flee/Magic classes...

i like it :P

maybe add like 10-30 flee while you're at it :D


Ok im a pretty good pd class and seriously...that shit right there would just make me insanely over powered. The only way you can pretty much kill a pd class is with asura or freezing them and if u give us a [2] helm where u can put fsoldier mistress and have immune to freeze along with full fset bonus....I tank 20 people easy if i actually used donor gears on my guy would be way to over powered. Id love to be over powered but itd be unfair


Seems like a good idea. Just like a forsaken king helm for the intelligence classes...

I don't think it would be overpowered. The forsaken king helm already has two slots, so there's not much difference there.

Not everyone has the same build, so, overall, it looks sound.


The Forsaken Helm will be the standard headgear for the donation set. If we were to put another [2] helm, then it would be for the completion of the elite set.

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