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Zanar aka Kunal.

Hi guide on Sinx.

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Hi, i would like to help people new to FRO,

This is my offical guide.. So just helping players.

If you are new then i would recommend 2 ways for you to be a best PVPer out there.

1 way is the Coma Build..

For this i would say:

Helm : Admistr hat ..or Baby leapord hat for stripping Card : Vanberk card for most crit.

Mid : Slotted Item example sunglasses or Daura if you can : Put maya P here.

Lower : I would recommend wings but if you cant afford it.. then um tuff luck. Wear something kool :)

Try to get Eset.. but you u cant ..

Boots : dont really knw but like maybe add anti fire locks.. or amon ra

Garmet : Chung lee for crit. (this is basily hybrid build with crits.) And 1 cloak with Rydrics card to block asura With GR card combo.+

Accessories : get 2 sloted with 2 Wiki tre cards(cant spell).. They can be found at lhz_dun01 these cards strips the armor.

On armor : Wear Detale card or GR or Puppetring. (i would recommend getting 3 armors or if u have Eset put Puppetring + GR)

Weapon: I wud recommend using 2 Edge if u cant afford LOD's. or MVP cards.

Right hand : Main guage with 3 LOD's 1 Dwar

Left hand : 1 Phree 1 Dwar 1WS and 1 LOD in here.

(If u cant afford MVP cards )

Right hand :Edge

Left Hand : Edge

all u can do :/ But it works.

Stats :

Luk: max

Agi :195 aspd

Str:50~80 for yggs

Vit:all in here.

Waaalaa You just got Coma type SINX :)

Next way if u really want to do dmg.. U really need Donation Coupons for this... So here i go (This is MID build SINX)

Helm : Drooping valk card With Vanberk card

Mid : Daura or Sun/Moon + maya P or Another vanberk.

Lower : ruck sack with maya p or wings.

Eset with :

Boots : Recommened FBH but if u cant, 2 GEn egnima cards

Garmet : 2 Clung lee cards or clung lee + rydic

Accessories : 2 ND belts

On armor : OL + tao or OL + puppetring or OL + GR.


2 main guages :

Lef hand : Incan + Goldring + 2x Paper card

Rig Hand : Phree + 2 TG + SW + mobster

Stats :

Luk : 150~200

Agi : 195 aspd

Vit : 50~100

Str : All here.

Well thats my guide aye i hope you guys have fun on FRO ENJOY ~!


question. why would you put incant on left hand? having that much luck isn't needed considering you got vanberk, even 2 of them. why would you put phreeoni card if you would be having a crit build? why would you use incant considering critical already ignores defense? with the 2nd build, if they follow that, they have used a lot of mvp cards that won't even affect their damage. if going crit build you don't even need that much mvp cards.

for me this the basic crit build that I used before I got my gears

headgear- any+15 stat headgear- vanberk card/ fhelm- 2 vanberks

mid- any aura that you want- maya p, put vanberk if you use only 1 in top headgear

lower- if you got rucksack then good, if not anything you want. put maya p in rucksack if you put vanberk on mid

armor- gr+tao, tao+ol, gr+rsx

boots- matyr cards or fbh or antique firelock

garment- 2x skoll or 1 chung-e+ 1 skoll or 1 chung e+ 1 raydric

shield- usakoring

other shield- GTB or maya

accessories- 2 ND str belts, 1 sight clip and 1 stripping accessory or 2 ifrit rings


right hand- +10 blade with 3x paper and 1 skeleton worker/ 1 mobster

left hand- +10 main gauche with 3x goldenring and 1 skeleton worker


agi- make it 195 aspd

str- 200-280 total, make it divisible by 10

vit- 100+ to protect from certain status effects, depends on you if you think your hp is enough, then stop adding vit

dex- 1, going crit means you wont miss, but you can put 90-95 dex


luk- put whatever that is left here, with the items above, you won't need high crit rate since you got 2 vanberks anyway

why use blade on right hand? if you use dagger there, it would trigger double attack. and if you have 1 dex and no phreeoni card, that attack would certainly miss.

flame me if I put anything wrong.


erm.. its coma+pd or coma+flee build etc etc doesnt work "coma" alone unless you like getting ass raped.


also what 777 said XD. My build isn't perfect so if you guys want to change something, do it.


i agree with zanar, if u have that much crit there is nothing the oppent can do :/ the crits with hit u so hard that u cant even do anything . Good Job Zanar! :)


Hi, i would like to help people new to FRO,

This is my offical guide.. So just helping players.

Well thats my guide aye i hope you guys have fun on FRO ENJOY ~!

thats his guide not a offical guide. Not everyone is perfect ok.



hmm yeah I know crit hits hard, I use crit sometimes. um dude, if new guys used his guide they might be raped in pvp room considering it has many flaws, that is why I corrected it.

Dark, have you ever really played sinx? because if you agree on that guide, I doubt you have used sinx for a long time. Using INCANTATION SAMURAI CARD AND PHREEONI CARD for CRITICAL BUILDS is just wasting 2 slots, because CRITICAL IGNORES DEFENSE AND FLEE. SO WHY THE HELL USE TWO CARDS FOR THAT IF CRITICAL ALREADY DOES IT?



Skeleton soldier(LOLOLL) is more useful than Phree for a critical build =/ i go critical build with my prof to strip people's shields and it works wonders XD

calintz, you build looks good for crit, but i still don't see critical builds with sinx doing alright if they don't use katars...then again people only use katar here to grim/SB so idk.


using katars with crits is good because you only need 50 crit rate for it right. that would mean removing vanberk and putting in some other cards. It would be good, but the damage would be kinda low if you don't have fbh. the build I posted focuses on the fact that we got 195 aspd and Vanberk gives a certain chance to give you 100 crit rate when attacking. that's why I used two vanberks. And the problem with katars is that you can't use the elite katar for crit type because you will certainly cast Sonic blow and that would miss considering you don't have hit because of 1 dex.

but I agree with you on some point. using a normal katar(specialty jur) then having few luk and having at least 1 fbh would do wonders in crit rate while not wasting two headgear slots. Still it depends on the player if he wants to use it, at least with the blade and f dagger you can certainly switch to a shield when needed. XD


lol it was funny I didn't mention it but...

Zanar= Dark

so you commented on your guide dark, obviously you will like it. sigh forgot to put it on this post


Nice double post.

I agree though. You already have so much crit that you can take out the phreeoni and incant cards and just throw in 2 turtle generals to up your damage. +40% is better then 2 cards that won't do anything.


Crits are gay for sinxs.

Crits are gay for sinxs.

OMG cirrus you're so right. Sorry I don't have an alternate account to pat myself in the back. ;-;



lol at that post XD

I dunno why you call critical gay though. Well it is good for those who just started since not all of them got good items or enough coupons to buy what they need. um I think crit is just a step to get better though.


Criticals are okay. Sure there are some crit builds but they're not optimal. It's just that if you're starting it is not recommended to PvP with a class like Sinx, which needs tons of gear (well, maybe not TONS, just a decent set.) Not to mention Sinx + Double Attack = really powerful. It will still be hard for you to use criticals to fight mainly as:

1) it relies on some luck which will sap your other stats

2) the best critical rate comes from a Katar, which means no shield usage

3) it's hard to get high crit rate from dual wielding daggers

I cant think straight lmao.


well me usually use DD build too(depends on my mood, most of the time it is a one hand dagger build). but yeah it needs a hell lot of cards(considering you got elite set already and at least a +15 headgear). The good thing about crit is it doesn't need that much items. and with the addition of Vanberk Card it is easy to achieve crit rate without using too much luk. and with the build I posted earlier, I damaged like 18k-20k without using FBH(that is in the best condition, not considering reducts yet, so it might damage like 10-12 only on shield users).

double attack actually most of the time kills for me. Or if my Magnum break from my TGs instantly cast lol

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