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Hey all, i had the urge to play RO again and looked in the top 200 server and saw this server and thought it sounded familiar lol, the forums said i havent logged on since May 2, 2008. SOOO...whats new with this server? downloading the client again right now so i just wanted to know whats changed in the past year.

just a quick summary would be nice lol, dont wanna keep much of your time.


:D read all the update threads? XD that's better :]



ya sup


LOL WB i guess.

- rucksacks/ colorful emps.

- voting items

- integrated quest

- Non donor belts

- tix (edp, BOS, FCP, etc)

- loads of wings

- 600 item limit in storage

that's all i know off the top of my head.

I feel offended. I'm Leni. ;_; YOU'RE AMI. WTF IS THIS AMI??? I TOUT WE ~fabulus~ t_t;;

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