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High School and friends!

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I hate high school. I can NOT wait to graduate, get a job, and go to college. I've had about 10 friends drop out already, including my best friend who I've known since the first grade. The classes are so stupid that I pretty much only show up 2 times a week to each class.

My history teacher is making me do a presentation twice, once on my own and once with my group, because apparently, she has some kind of problem with me doing it only once with my group who is in a different period, even though I can totally come during that class and it wouldn't be a problem.

One good thing is, my teachers have completely given up on making me get admits for missing class, so I can bounce whenever I feel like it.

My regular day: Sleep in until 9, go to school around 10, sit through 2-3 classes, ditch whenever and chill with my friends until 8-ish, then go home. I'm passing all the classes I need to, meaning I'm taking summer school, but next year I'm only taking 2 semi-difficult classes and my gpa should be good enough for state college. UCSF!!!

btw I hate the emo kids at my school, they all sit at one bench and do weird things, like yell randomly and run around in the rain. I stopped talking to this one guy who hangs around the emo kids now, he started dating a 22 year old who he met while taking night school at a community college. He's 17, and he has no chance of getting a high school diploma.

My friends are all awesome.



lol i hate high school, bunch of immature fucks. dropped out a few years back and got home schooled.

college in september o yeah bbbb


btw I just spilt some day old bongwater, which we last smoked a spliff in (smells worse), on to my bed. FML.


I'm finally going to finish high school in like a month!!!!! :D

I'll miss some great days though =(


no offense intended or whatsoever, but how do you want to go to college and yet cant handle high school bs? college is twice the bull

unless you happen to be opulent and can produce ridiculous amount of money, grades and scholarships are probably anyone's best bet into getting free money for college especially for a state university


You'll miss having spare time to loaf around. :\


Yesterday was my last day of High School. Graduating on the 20th. And I'm going to miss it all the time. High School, though filled with tons of bullshit from people, teachers and whatnot, are some of the best years you'll have. There isn't much time between High School and Life. Only real time you can mess around, go places all the time and not have to worry as much about consequences is in High School. Once you hit college it changes a lot. Sure, you have more freedoms in attending classes, or going places. However, it comes with a much greater responsibility. You're now playing with your money, or government money. Now if you fail a class, you may not be able to make it up, and can totally screw the rest of your life. You have to know your limits and know when to quit. Something that not many people are good at. You'll miss high school, if not simply for the freedoms you did have, but for the responsibilities you didn't.


fuck friends. You don't need anyone. just be a loner .


chris is doing his GED testing so its not like all the other drop outs who just don't go to school in general. lawl

i can't believe you have better grades than me and i actually go to class!

faggot ass.

we all know you love playing find the mouse with andrew.

about the admits, i think all teachers stopped because of the new tardy policies and shit. i only had to get a few admits for ms leung this semester for drama


I hated high school, So much i dropped out about 3 times.

Now, I tell teen's & kids not to ever drop out of school.

fuck friends. You don't need anyone. just be a loner .

Come on, friend's are not that bad :)

It's just that we have to search truly one <3


I miss high school(although not all of my schoolmates, I had several bad memories there). And going to college is almost the same thing. Yes there are those who are really immature but that's what makes it fun. And in college, you will get your ass so worked up.

Oh and having difficult classes in high school is normal. In college, it is common to get difficult classes depending on your course

on the teachers,well I think I like them in High School(Have you tried having different Teachers for Integral Calculus and Differential Calculus? not fun, you will get your formulas mixed).

On ditching class, I dunno what college you will go, but in mine, 7 consecutive absences without any good reason(sick, family member died) you will fail the subject. and that sucks a lot.

I tell you, being that lazy in High School, you might suffer in college because it is a whole different world.


We don't take a required attendance in my University, but some classes that are smaller and meet only once a week do, in which you will fail the class with a number of absences. Other than that, its really up to our discretion whether to come or not.

I usually skipped management 3004 since Schander (our professor) teaches completely from the book and his 'quizzes' are easy to ace as long as you read the chapter. So just show up for quiz days. Finance on the other hand...I had to go every class since in-class exercises were the only way I could understand the material.

Depending on what University you attend, and how large your classes are, the college professors aren't any more likable than your high school teachers. Believe me. You won't get to really like a teacher until your junior/senior years at my college - it's huge and classes are too big for the professor to really know who is in her/his class.

And no friends in college? Then why bother enrolling? Just stay on RO and werk on that forsaken elite degree. LMAO. Yeah...


good for you.. Well I am in my third year so I got used to it.


god i hated high school <_< thank god for college.



dunno, but most of the time, the ones who said that they hated high school are the ones who got beaten up everyday or the ones who loved someone but got cheated on.


Well I don't think it is the "fitting in". Well in College, I rather stand out than fit in. You will normally get fake friends when you try to fit in too much...

BTW- patch takes too long to download, I just want to say it...


Fk. I was about to post exactly the same quote but then you beat me to it. ]:




You are my bfff. I love you man. LOVE.

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