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Can any one repost dropping valkyrie guide?

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Can Anyone repost the dropping valkyrie guide

Cant find any in the forum :shiftyeyes_anim:

Those are old link not functional :thumbsdown_still:


Before starting this quest, you have to first finish the Medusa hat/ Helm of Eremes hat quest first.

Guide by Dr. Love:


After finishing the Helm of Eremes quest, the dude on the Peco Peco tells you pretty much nothing about the location of the Valkyrie Hat quest... Well, i can tell you. :P

The man hiding as a Valkyrie sprite is at:

@warp for_fild06 260 281

He asks you to bring:

800 Mastela Fruits

500 Grapes

500 Green Herbs

200 Sweet Milks

250 Honeys

Mastela Fruits are easily bought in Hugel (@go 22) from the Vegetable Vendor

Grapes are found off poporings and Familiars in @warp moc_pryd01

Green Herbs are found off everything on the map @warp pay_fild05

Sweet Milks are found off savage babe on @warp prt_fild09

Honeys are found off vitata on @warp anthell02 (if you didn't know, vitata drops 2 honeys per kill :D)

After finding the items, return back to the Valkyrie man for the Drooping Valkyrie helm.


waka waka!

my guide xD.

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