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Frankly I'm afraid to watch this movie, while I consider myself Right wing and I do disagree with parts of the bush administration but I also disagree with the way the media spins it as if "he cause all this economic downfall ect ect". What most people, especially hollywood fail to realize is that in 2006 Republicans lost the congress which meant Bush lost his ability to pass bills meaning that the Democrats basically set him up for a fail, where Congress used its abilities to manipulate the presidency and to eventually lead to the ultimate drop out of the economy. While Bush didn't make it any easier with his war, which may have an economical upslide in a few years he still didn't cause it. I honestly things the bush administration just shows how the media can really warp something into something that is not >.>;

Anyway if anyone has seen this movie if you could tell me how it went over that would be nice ^^.


He really isn't, Honestly if the media delivered the honest truth and straight forward non bias answers I think we would find every president on almost an equal playing scale. Most people only get of bush what the media made of bush, who was also under a few pressures himself and made a few hasty decisions. He is more like a common man than one dressed up to be hero who really isn't. I would honestly much rather have a president who seems a bit more "common" but yet still maintains the higher education needed to run a country. I do think his Cabinet was very manipulative and that he often fell into there traps but what he did wouldn't really be considered the cause of the economic crash. While I do not agree with the original bailout the bush administration had passed, which was of course modified by the democratic senate and then twisted by the media. And ontop of it all Fox news , which yes i do despise, twists the every story into being right wing positive - which isn't the case either and made the right wing/ bush administration look even stupider.

Anyway I don't think he was kid nor do I believe/know he isn't the cuase of our problems :/. but I will see Hollywoods spin off of what they say which I am sure has a very liberal view LOL XP

Frankly I'm afraid to watch this movie, while I consider myself Right wing

Stopped reading right here.


Economical bubble started with Clinton and to some extent before.

On to the movie, I personally liked it; it wasn't biased, I was sort of expecting bashing but I was surprised.


My parents don't tell me anything I'm old enough and smart enough to figure things out on my own. Honestly I don't think bush is perfect and neither was he potrayed perfect and maybe that is why I liked him; because he was human. I would much rather have a president that seems human and normal than one that is potrayed as a near perfect God. And I said I consider myself RIght Winged but I do share some interests that Left wing people do.

* I also think that bush was run by his Cabinet a bit, but then again what president isn't?

And I guess if the movie wasn't a real Bias set film I will probably watch it then since it is in the Red Box now :D- May enlighten me a bit more to some other events in his life.

And I said I consider myself RIght Winged

Fuck. Lost me again.

I guess Ignorance is bliss <3 XP

Never spoken better.


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