Millenia Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Fuck that was correct... Es tut mir leid, dass, Richtig, ich auf Icarus warte, um so dahinzueilen, kann der lulz geschehen. - I am sorry that, Properly, I wait for Icarus to hurry along in such a way, can happen lulz. LOL.
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 At least the German to English translation is correct. HEY PAT, KANN DER LULZ GESCHEHEN?
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Warum denn nicht, du Homosexueller? Editierung: Pat, du bist eine Zigarette
Millenia Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 You guys have ruined this. Make it funny and use translators, plz.
» Pat Posted April 11, 2009 Author Report Posted April 11, 2009 My british is well enough to get that joke. :C & Oh what a smart move. 'Homosexueller' is pretty hard to translate if you're not a native german speaker, isn't it? Keke...
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 nee du, des warn die 300g >;\ die hämmer von der Nachberin gekriegt ja heute RUN THAT THROUGH A TRANSLATOR PLS EDIT: the hammers of de' Nachberin gotten LOLOLOLOL
» Pat Posted April 11, 2009 Author Report Posted April 11, 2009 You guys have ruined this. Make it funny and use translators, plz. Alright, what should I translate the beautiful? nee du, warn of the 300g>; \ the hammers of the Nachberin gekriegt yes today
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Original: menz dis thred prtty funny! ^^ xD rofl lol "German": Menz hat dis prtty lustig durchzogen! ^^ xD rofl lol Back to English: Menz got through dis prtty amusingly! ^^ xD rofl lol Actual German: leutz der thread is aber mega hammer ultra über-geil ey leute scheiße is des geil alda!!!1!!!
» Pat Posted April 11, 2009 Author Report Posted April 11, 2009 Lol I know right? Lol I weis nicht war? Lol I know, is not it? Actual German: leutz der thread is aber mega hammer ultra über-geil ey leute scheiße is des geil alda!!!1!!!
Millenia Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Die meisten Leute haben von Nostradamus das berühmtes sechzehntes Jahrhundert seer und psychisch gehört. Aber es gibt viele Andere weniger bekannt charectors durch aus Geschichte, die dem langen Pfad ihren Fußdruck in persuit von Weisheit und Verständnis von den versteckten Welten hinzugefügt hat. Die Folgende Liste von sind ein paar von den berühmtesten Männern und den Frauen, aber es gibt viele Andere nicht so gut bekannte Namen stammend hinter durch Geschichte. Alice Burgmauer (1880-1949) war ein Englisch psychisch, der in automatischem Schreiben spezialisiert hat. Sie hat viele Bücher hergestellt und Artikel, die Informationen von der Geistwelt leiten, benutzend dieses Weissagungsverfahren. Sie hat die Undurchschaubare Schule gegründet, wo Studenten die mystische Kenntnis von den ätherischen Flugzeugen studieren könnten. Sie war ein großer Einfluss zu vieler psychisch, der versucht hat, in ihren Schritten zu folgen. Der am meisten wahrscheinlich die einflussreichste Person, innerhalb relativen modernen Zeiten zu erscheinen, ist der Gründer von der Theosophischen Gesellschaft, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). Frau Blavatsky hat vorgeführt, dass erstaunliche psychische Kräfte und war regelmäßig in Kontakt mit dem Meister Aufgestiegen Ist. Sie war äußerst kenntnisreich in esoterischer Weisheit und am meisten ist für ihre Rolle gemerkt bringend in östliche Religion und Philosophie zur westlichen Welt. Sie war von russischem Ursprung und war das erste international anerkannt beruflich psychisch. Und hat ausführlich, ihr berühmtestes Buch ist geschrieben „Das sondert Doktrin ab“. Ihre Schreiben sind Klassiker unter psychisch und Studenten esoterischer Kenntnis bedacht worden. Ihr Lebensstil war unkonventionell und sie ist die Welt in der Verfolgung von Weisheit und Erleuchtung gereist, und könnte gesagt werden, der erste „Hippie“ zu sein. Ihre zwanzig Jahre der Reise haben sie in Kontakt mit mystischen und metaphysischen Traditionen gebracht. Die theosophische Gesellschaft die sie hat gegründet Überreste heute und verteilt Informationen um die Welt von seinem Hauptquartier in den Vereinigten Staaten. Einer die meisten Brunnen bekannt psychisch war heute der amerikanisch psychisch Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). Während Cayce in einer Trance war, wie Staat den er Krankheit der Leute überall auf der Welt, ohne tatsächlich zu treffen sie diagnostizieren würde, die ein Verfahren benutzen, haben gerufen „Entfernung heilend“. Cayce hatte psychische Fähigkeit von einem sehr frühen Alter vorgeführt. Nachdem er seine Talente erkannt hat, die er von Tausenden von Leuten für Lenkung und Hilfe mit ihren Gesundheitproblemen kontaktiert wurde. Viel von seiner Heilung wurde in „Edgar Cayce auf Heilung“ dokumentiert. Cayce stellt auch viel Nachdruck auf die Wichtigkeit von Analysieren und Studienträumen. Seine Arbeiten und Lehre sind ebenso gültig heute als sie wo, als er sie geschrieben hat, und schließt Informationen über einen ganzen Gastgeber metaphysischer Themen einschließlich Aura, Automatischen Schreibens und Heilung mitein. Er hat die Vereinigung für Forschung und Erleuchtungen in Virginia Vereinigten Staaten gegründet. Einige von den strittigeren Figuren in der Welt vom psychischen Stammbaum, wo Leute der Aleister Crowley (1875-194) mögen. Crowley wird in hoher Bewunderung durch vielen occultists und seine Beiträge zu esoterischer Kenntnis noch werden betrachtet als großartig einflussreich gehalten, obwohl er von den Medien „Der böseste Mann in der Welt gerufen wurde“. Von einem frühen Alter hat er ein intensives Interesse im Okkulte und der Ritualzauberei gehabt. Er ist ein Mitglied von der mystischen Gesellschaft Hermetischer Reihenfolge von der Goldenen Morgendämmerung geworden. Wo einleitet, würde solche Dinge als Tarockkarte und der Kabbalah und die Ritualzauberei studieren. Nachdem Meinungsverschiedenheiten bezüglich der Richtung der Gesellschaft ging, hat er verlassen und ist eine internationale führende Figur im Okkulte geworden. Er war auch sehr kenntnisreich um ägyptische Zauberei seine beachtenswertesten Arbeiten sind „das Buch von Thoth“. Seine umfangreiche Kenntnis in Ägyptologie kann im „Thoth“ Deck von Tarockkartenkarten gesehen werden, die noch allgemein von vielen Tarockkartenkartenlesegeräten und psychisch benutzt werden. Most people have heard of Nostradamus the famous sixteenth century seer and psychic. But there are many other lesser known charectors through out history who have added their foot print to the long path in persuit of wisdom and understanding of the hidden worlds. The following list of are a few of the most noted men and women, but there are many other not so well known names stemming back throughout history. Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was an English psychic who specialised in automatic writing. She produced many books and articles, channelling information from the spirit world using this divination technique. She founded the Arcane School, where students could study the mystical knowledge of the ethereal planes. She was a great influence to many psychics who tried to follow in her footsteps. Most probably the most influential person to appear within relative modern times is the founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). Madam Blavatsky demonstrated amazing psychic powers and was regularly in contact with the Ascended Masters. She was extremely knowledgeable in esoteric wisdom and is most noted for her role in bringing eastern religion and philosophy to the western world. She was from Russian origin and was the first internationally acclaimed professional psychic. And wrote extensively, her most noted book being " The secrete Doctrine ". Her writings have been considered classics amongst psychics and students of esoteric knowledge. Her lifestyle was Bohemian and she travelled the world in the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment, and could be said to be the first "Hippie". Her twenty years of travel brought her into contact with mystical and metaphysical traditions. The theosophical society which she founded remains today and distributes information around the world from its headquarters in the USA. One of the most well known psychics today was the American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). Whilst Cayce was in a trance like state he would diagnose illness of people all over the world, without actually meeting them using a process called " distance healing ". Cayce had demonstrated psychic ability from a very early age. Once he recognised his talents he was contacted by thousands of people for guidance and help with their health problems. Much of his healing was documented in " Edgar Cayce on Healing ". Cayce also put much emphasis on the importance of analysing and studying dreams. His works and teachings are as valid today as they where when he wrote them and include information on a whole host of metaphysical subjects including Auras, Automatic Writing and healing. He founded the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia USA. Some of the more controversial figures in the world of the psychic family tree, where people like the Aleister Crowley (1875-194). Crowley is held in high admiration by many occultists and his contributions to esoteric knowledge are still regarded as greatly influential, even though he was called by the media "The wickedest man in the world ". From an early age he had an intense interest in the occult and ritual magic. He became a member of the mystical society Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Where initiates would study such things as Tarot and the Kabbalah and ritual magic. After disagreements as to the direction the society was going he left and became an international leading figure in the occult. He was also very knowledgeable about Egyptian magic his most notable works being the " Book of Thoth ". His extensive knowledge into Egyptology can be seen in the "Thoth" deck of tarot cards, which is still widely used by many tarot card readers and psychics. bai.
» Pat Posted April 11, 2009 Author Report Posted April 11, 2009 Most people have of Nostradamus, the famous sixteenth-century Seer and psychologically belongs. But there are many other less well known charectors through out history, the long path Fußdruck in their Pursuit of wisdom and understanding of the hidden worlds added. The following are a list of some of the most famous men and women, but there are many others not so well-known names coming back through history. Alice Castle Wall (1880-1949) was an English mental, in automatic writing specialized. She has produced many books and articles, the information from the spirit world forward, using this Weissagungsverfahren. She has founded the opaque school, where students are aware of the mystical etheric planes could study. It was a great influence on many of the mentally, which has tried in their steps to follow. Most likely the most influential person in modern times relative to appear, is the founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). Madam Blavatsky has demonstrated that amazing psychic powers, and was regularly in contact with the Ascended Masters Is. She was extremely knowledgeable in the esoteric wisdom, and is most noticed for her role in bringing Eastern religion and philosophy to the Western world. She was of Russian origin and was the first internationally recognized professional mental. And has detailed her most famous book is written "The isolates from doctrine." Your letters are classic mentally and student of esoteric knowledge been taken into account. Their lifestyle was unconventional and it is the world in the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment traveled, and could be said of the first "hippie" to be. Its twenty years of travel they have come into contact with mystical and metaphysical traditions brought. The Theosophical Society she has founded and remains today distributes information around the world from its headquarters in the United States. One of the most well known today, was mentally US mentally Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). While Cayce in a trance, as the state to sick people all over the world, without actually take to diagnose it, would use a procedure, have called "distance healing". Cayce had psychic ability from a very early age demonstrated. After he has recognized his talents, which he of thousands of people for guidance and help with their health problems has been contacted. Much of his treatment was changed to "Edgar Cayce on Healing documented. Cayce is also much emphasis on the importance of analysis and study dreams. His work and teaching are just as valid today as they where, as he has written, and includes information about a whole host metaphysical subjects, including Aura, automatic writing and healing interlinked. He has the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia United States was founded. Some of the more contentious figures in the world of mental tree, where people of Aleister Crowley (1875-194) may be. Crowley is in high admiration by many occultists and his contributions to esoteric knowledge are still regarded as influential großartig held, although he is aware of the media "The evil man in the world was created." From an early age, he has an intense interest in the occult and witchcraft ritual had. He is a member of the mystical society Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has become. Where is initiating such things as would Tarockkarte and the Kabbalah and ritual magic study. After disagreements about the direction the company went, he left and is a leading international figure in the occult has become. He was also very knowledgeable Egyptian sorcery to his most notable works are "The Book of Thoth". His extensive knowledge of Egyptology, in "Thoth" deck of Tarockkartenkarten seen, yet many general and mental Tarockkartenkartenlesegeräten used. bai.
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Alice Burgmauer (1880-1949) war ein Englisch psychisch lrn2german pls btw lol'd at "Tarockkartenkartenlesegeräten"
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 STEFAN BITTE, BIST DU NOCH BEI TROST!?!? SAG A MEI, SPINNST DU A BISSL?
Nick Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 HÄTTEST MIR JA WENIGSTENS WAS ÜBRIG LASSEN KÖNNEN DU SOZI
Icarus Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Homosexuelle fangen zuerst an. Bisexual, denken Sie daran, es XD Ich möchte, dass meine Freundin zu mir mit so viel Q.Q P.S: für wie lange Pat und Nick sind gonna hate me?
Icarus Posted April 11, 2009 Report Posted April 11, 2009 Ich würde meine Seele verkaufen, um sich mit den Menschen, die ich liebe ;_; Ich wette, Sie würden auch >.>
Kaboom Posted April 19, 2009 Report Posted April 19, 2009 Von Tyler werde sprechen Deutsch auch Kthxbai :D
» Pat Posted April 19, 2009 Author Report Posted April 19, 2009 ^ I can't even get the meaning of that. LOL.