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Help plz

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untitled-8.jpg help plz

My boyfriend actually had this same exact problem, he uninstalled completely, reinstalled it over and it worked perfectly fine, have you tried doing so?

Screenshot please, don't quite understand.

Ok I Donated 15.00 USD Dollars with paypal

I got this Redeem Code

I do not know what to do next

Ok I Donated 15.00 USD Dollars with paypal

I got this Redeem Code

I do not know what to do next

"Donate By Paypal!

All donors and/or potential donors should be aware of this set of terms and conditions ( located below the page) before making any decisions.

Once you have donated, send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

# Your ForsakenRO username ( not your character name).

# the amount of money donate.

# If you want any MvP Cards please notify us in the e-mail."

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