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MVPs once their down to 1/3 hp

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If you mean you keep missing?

Use skills, or magic.

Or if you want to keep using regular attacks...

Use Greatest General Cards or Ifrit Rings for the Spirit Spheres

Which give 'No Miss'


Yeah, generally when they do that the only really big problem is you miss alot.

Because they get like frickin 50x flee or something retarded.

Most people bitch that sinx can't mvp because of it, even if they're using phreeoni.

So my only suggestion towards that (which it's the only problem) are skills/those cards/equips.

Anything else, like they do more damage?

Just get more hp, wear better equipment to reduce damage, or ygg/heal faster, and even work on your fighting.

There's nothing else you can really do about it.



Critical attack.

I use crits against them and it works all the time.


If you get the MVP down to 1/3rd hp solo go into fcity and miss type the warp or broadcast it then put autoloot on and warp to a random area on the map that the mvp was on <.< >.> LMAO. Even as a sniper with a full dex build I still miss on some Mvps :/ only a very few that is when I pull out the spheres :D lol. but ya the first idea is great but can be a jerk move XP


I still say, find someone else solo'ing it. Get a friend.

Then kill them when it's 1/3. And take it while they respawn.

Awesome idea, right?

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