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A new MVP

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even if she was, she's a bit puny for an ultimate rambo MVP .__. I was thinking something monstrous and ugly :D

cuteness owns!!! D:<!!!

and it would be cool if looks are not what they sim





I thought the topic was closed since it was practically a Fact that is gonna be dont .____.

OH well, as Ive stated a million times Im on for this one :D


original RO is making new mvps for the big update, unno about one like thanatos.

+offers skills?+ lol

or if all else fails, incorporate a chuck norris sprite.


-For drops I suggest making a new card that drops at maybe 1% and is good and make it drop all of its minions cards at a 5% chance rate O.o so this MVP is well worth it. And maybe even it can drop some Custom Armor(Like F.King and belts?) Uh no? LOL

@Kusanagi Emperium Aurora 1-10% drop? UH NO WAY -_- and the gold valk cant drop ( Only obtainable via Woe)

-For drops I suggest making a new card that drops at maybe 1% and is good and make it drop all of its minions cards at a 5% chance rate O.o so this MVP is well worth it. And maybe even it can drop some Custom Armor(Like F.King and belts?) Uh no? LOL

@Kusanagi Emperium Aurora 1-10% drop? UH NO WAY -_- and the gold valk cant drop ( Only obtainable via Woe)

This is where ignorance isn't bliss. Maybe if you could just read a bit more you would realize that this MVP was designed to be "Impossible" and if that word isn't in your small vocabulary I suggest you go to dictionary.com and look it up :). So please just to save yourself from looking like a complete, ignorant idiot (again) I suggest you leave your room and slit your wrists and unplug your PC and throw it out the window ^^.... Sorry I was just putting that in a nice way, I just don't like ignorant people and people who "Only" assume(partially because I assume sometimes too).


Who cares if its an impossible mvp, IF it's an "impossible" mvp it would not be able to be beaten. LOL I do not think you know what IMPOSSIBLE means, let me tell you

Definition of Impossible:•something that can not be done

Credits for defintion from Google search.

I also suggest that YOU go to google and type "define impossible"


Lol, Thanatos Extreme.

Will 1-hit everything it touches. Give it like 10k stats and insane HP and HP recovery. It drops a random fset part and Thana card at 1%.

Juuust kidding.


Give it arrow vulcan level 22, 1k dex, and 0 cast delay.



To clarify, I'm the one attempting to sprite this thing. And it was decided a long time ago that it would be the Divine Dragon from Legend of Dragoon. It so happened that we were discussing this thread at the same time my boyfriend was introducing me to the game. Then a week later school came and a term project was given that fit the idea perfectly.

So in short, if I don't have something sprited at the end of term, I'll fail the course, which is not an option. Which means we'll have a custom MVP. The quest will take longer to produce.


Lol Sorry Devotion was having a bad day >.>;... I have a bit written out I just need a bit of help especiall on one part of the quest and um a few other things...... ^^


mm, so I thought I'd update a little. I'm making progress on the MVP. It's so challenging to do :/ But I've sketched the acts for the head movements, and I've animated them so I can see what it looks like, and it's just what I wanted. Next step is to pixelate them, and then move on to the neck.

What about a thana extreme...that asuras lol XD

lol.... 5% chance it asuras <_<.. i like that ahehaehaheha

but yeah a messed up mvp will be great. like... if this mvp acctually is made, people will be more 'bonded' with partys and all that. heck add one of the mvp drop to a quest. it will make people have something to do than pvp all day (fun but gets boring eventually)


Yay nice Devo you really rock so much ; _ ; , this mvp should be really epic... like something people will fight for doing it xD....

Wich gets me to..... there should be some sort of Delay to do it dont you think? .___. , or maybe some pre-map which you must got through first if you want to get to the mvp.

Sugestion> use the turbo room map (blocking teleporting and warping of course) as a entrance and at the end you can fight the mvp.

Oh hi Kei btw.... some time no see XD ( Im Aluxe .___. )


Of course. The MVP will have a spawn time, something longer than normal. And if a party is in the room with the MVP no one else can get in. I also want to create and anti-camp method. Any suggestions?

I also thought I'd let you know that he's twice as big as Satan Morroc. Huge...


I would love a HUGE MVP... nice idea guys!! on a side note, please don't make it have so many skills that it can cast simultaneously since we would all die because of lag.(especially the MVP is huge, and it summons more MVPs and there would be so many people killing it) because that would suck since we cannot enter the place again.


Haven't been here in a long while...

A long quest to activate, maybe a week until the quest can be redone. Lol, or once a day, or even GM event activated.

And for skills, if this server is as customizable as it seems, why not give it its own unique attacks?

I haven't even been making maps.... just... living until school is over in two or three weeks... then freedom!


I was thinking more of a quest like the Elite quest. You become an Elite and then you ascend to Forsaken Dragoon. But the quest is longer and more complex, and to gain the title, and the goodies at the end, you need to be part of a party that defeats the MVP at the end of the quest. The catch? Everyone in the party has to have done the quest up to the point of the MVP.

Lilium, if you're still interested in making a map, let me know, I'm ready to look into it :)


I'd still make a map if there is a design.

I just probably can't get to it until a week after next week, or the week after that, because I'm getting the millions of things you get when school ends. 3 plays to read (of 5), AP Calculus test to study for, a concert next week, two more concerts the week after that.... but once it's after graduation (assuming I don't get a job I applied for, or it's not as time consuming as I had set it up to be), I should have free time.

Lol, if I could get a converter, you could even put custom 3d objects into the map. (From what I've seen)

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