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  1. I have observed that many players are BC-ing about "noob"(I Quote-Unquote) players who are hitting then warping on for_fild01 (PVP area) also, I have seen bot users before(mostly wizards) who are warping then using Storm Gust then warping again. So I have come up with a suggestion of giving @warp command and flywing a cooldown or maybe a delay on fields and dungeons and maybe disabling it on the PVP area. This will get rid of the cowardly move called Hit-n-Run, and this will also give a big impact on our PVP area, no more warpers means a fair fight. Maybe, transform the PVP area into a WoE/KoE/LMS like effect, NO WARPING, and once the player die, he/she will be automatically warped into their respective save points, not only that we will prevent hit-n-run, we will also prevent after-death trash talks... A Shout-Out to my fellow players, Please don't use the BC as a trash talking medium, you're not the only ones online so be sensitive, not only that you are showing that you have no manners, you are also breaking the in-game rules which I will quote from the rules thread w/c was posted by [GM]Genesis. [http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16] Language Any use of language that is abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene or racially/ethnically offensive is not allowed. This applies to both explicit and implicit language, images, and/or links to other websites. Harassment The harassment of or personal attacks on other players is forbidden. This includes the discussion and/or distribution of any personal or private information or pictures as well as slandering/defaming/spreading rumors about another player. Repeatedly targeting a specific player or persons will lead to more severe punishment. Respect (you must respect others and their rights to enjoy the forums and game play) This is an extension of the rules prohibiting harassment and certain types of language. Even if a player is not explicitly breaching any aforementioned rules, any form of disrespect to other players and staff will not be tolerated. Disrespecting and/or patronizing new players or posters is discouraged. Please note that depending on the severity of the offense, such actions may result in punishment. Continual offenses against new players will not go unpunished. If can't really help talking trash to one another, just PM each other or make a pub for the two of you or better yet, do it on an empty map... not in via BC... you should know that some players doesn't care if you killed a guy over and over, or if you are strong or whatever the heck you are bragging about... wanna know why? Because it's non-sense... and practically annoying, if you have nothing to do with your zeny, why not donate it to others for a greater purpose? Like the ones who use BC as a marketing tool, w/c btw is being affected when someone is using BC as a bragging tool(specially when spamming BC or having series of bragging and trash talking conversations using the BC), you are defeating the purpose of the BC and you are abusing the "Off-Topic" option... That would be all thank you...
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