I saw the database of iro wiki and ratemyserver.net (renewal) and change the number of mvps in mapa gld_dun03 .
In database of irowiki change the where of one map of map.
The GM could trade Maya for a Baphomet as it is in the updated game.
Information of where of Baphomet: http://db.irowiki.org/db/monster-info/1039/ http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_mob_db&mob_id=1039
And information of where of Maya: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1147 http://db.irowiki.org/db/monster-info/1147/
OBS: you can see if click in "Renewal" in ratemyserver.net .