Hrist's wing bow current effects:
Str + 15, Dex + 30, Int + 80, Max HP + 20%Allows use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight LimitIncrease damage of Blitz Beat by 2000%Increase damage of Claymore by 2000%,Increase damage of Land Mine by 2000%,Increase damage of Blast Mine by 3000%
We knew this bow were fine as it is, but I still think that "falcon assault damage increment" should be add onto this bow ❤️
Main reason to suggest: Blitz beat and FA can't be separated ❤️ , FA skill is [single target aim-kill], FA ned 3 kiels to reduces delay :3, FA element mechanics same as blitz beat element mechanics=forced neutral XD, utiltize more towards pure Dex/Luk and hybrid Int/Dex/Luk type snipers ❤️
The added buff for hrist's wing bow would be like this ---> Increase damage of falcon assault by *30-60%*
Hope Gm's team+players loves it, mORE pOWER fRO ❤️