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  1. Good PM. It's weird that I cant equip this item to my offhand. Whats the point of having -50crit stat if i cant even use double attack in my right hand with a sword? Using Sidewinder card will just make me lose 1 slot equivalent to 25% damage potential loss.
  2. The Ultimate pLok Guide to a SinX Breaker The Assassin Cross An elite group of Assassins. The Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to land the perfect killing blow. The Assassin Cross has a huge repertoire of lethal arts including ultimate mastery of poison-use, better than the original Assassin. With these new skills, the Assassin Cross now has a wide choice of brutal methods to overcome opponents. All without ever leaving the shadows [This guide is a pLok guide which means it is based on my experience and the gears that I have xD I also kept it as simple and straightforward as I can] GEARS+CARDS (Critical Build) Headgears Upper +10 Vote Valkyrie Helm/Valkyrie Helm/Valkyrie Expansion Hats w/ 2x Amadarias Cards / 2x Bijou Cards / 2x Seyren Windsor Cards (I highly recommend that you refine your headgear to +10 and compound it with 2 Amadarias cards to get +10 str and +10atk) Get 2x seyren windsor if you can't afford Ama and Bijou (Gives +8 str) Middle Any aurora that gives +20 stats/Skull Aura, ROP, Emperium Aurora, Legendary LHZ Aurora, Legendary Zodiac Aurora (Any that would suit you, but I prefer Emperium Auroras) w/ Vanberk Card (Vanberk Card adds 2 to Str and gives you a 100 Critical rate boost for 5 seconds) Lower SinX Blessed Ring/SinX Infernal Cape/Vote Scarf/Any Rucksack (Refine to +10, up to you) (Aim for the Blessed Ring) w/ Vanberk Card (or LK Card for Berserk, this is optional) Use Amadarius when refined Due to the boost in the Emperium's HP, I don't recommend using the LK card. You'll just DIE. XD Unless of course you have a REALLY good pally and/or there's no defense around :) Still, I wouldn't use it but your call Armors 2x +0 Sinx Dragonist Armor/ Vote Forsaken King Armor/Forsaken King Armor/Forsaken Knight Armor (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) (Dragonist Armor if you can get it 110%) w/ Tao Gunka + Ghost Ring and w/ 2x Gloom Under Night (two armors for the purpose of switching, Switch to 2x gloom if the defense around the emperium is light, and when there are no champs defending the emperium) Cloak +0 Vote Forsaken King Cloak/Forsaken King Cloak/Forsaken Knight Cloak (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) w/ Raydric+Skoll, 2x Raydric, 2x Skoll (2x Skoll against Thana Users, 2x Raydric against Neutral Property Attacks e.g. Asura, Raydric+Skoll is a popular combo in the server which is what I use as default) Boots +0 Vote Forsaken King Boots/Forsaken King Boots/Forsaken Knight Boots (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) w/ 2x Fallen Bishop Card (FBH gives an increase of 50% damage to Angel Monsters, Angel is the race of the Emperium) Accessories 2x Loki's Seal/2x Strength Belts/2x Strength Gauntlets (I highly recommend Loki's Seals and compound them with Ifrit Cards) 2 Ifrit Cards easily gives you additional 51 Critical and Hit Rate Shield +0 Frigg's Shield/Forsaken King Shield/Vote Forsaken King Shield (I highly recommend the Frigg's Shield it is obtainable through Quest) w/ Usakoring Card/Golden Thief Bug (Optional) (If you want GTB, I recommend you to put it in an extra shield for switching purposes only; I only have one shield w/ Usakoring on) Weapons In this section, I will just put the combination of cards that I felt comfortable with. Feel free to use your own combination of cards. Main Hand(Right Hand) +10 SinX Critical Oriental Sword/Legendary SinX Critical Sword (I would recommend the Oriental Sword) w/ 2 Turtle General, Paper and Orc Skel or up to you as long as you put 2TG on the main hand Off-Hand(Left Hand) +10 Fenrir's Dagger/Legendary Fenrir's Dagger (I would use the Legendary Dagger, why? To balance the strength stat when switching between the shield and weapon, but that's just me xD) w/ 2 Abysmal Knight Cards, Paper, Desert Wolf, STATS (Critical Build) (Add Luk then Agi, next is Str then Vit Last) STR (Main Stat): 280 - 300 (Whatever floats your boat) Base + Bonus = Divisible by 10 (Meaning you get a whole number if you divide it by 10) (What is a whole number? Whole numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4.....125, 126.....9,958 and so on) e.g. 296(Base) + 184(Bonus) = 480 (480 divided by 10 = 48, 48 is a whole number) AGI: Until ASPD is 195 LUK: Until you have 100 Critical (I heard rumors of having 104 Critical rate is better, but I just keep mine to 100) VIT: Put the rest of your points here Dex/Int: 1 (Feel free to put some here if there are still points left after Vit, would recommend dex) GEARS+CARDS (Thana/Dex Build) (If you don't have thana, better stick with the critical build) Or read this too http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24168&page=1 [Ok, this build I am not very familiar with, but I'll try my best, been a thana breaker for a couple of weeks now.] Headgears Upper +10 Vote Valkyrie Helm/Valkyrie Helm/Valkyrie Expansion Hats w/ 2x Amadarias Cards / 2x Bijou Cards / 2x Seyren Windsor Cards (I highly recommend that you refine your headgear to +10 and compound it with 2 Amadarias cards to get +10 str and +10atk) Get 2x seyren windsor if you can't afford Ama and Bijou (Gives +8 str) Or +10 Halloween headgear (Optional) w/ 2x Seyren Windsor Cards / 2x Amadarius (STR+ 15 DEX+15) In comparison to the Valkyrie Helm Stats, It does not add any stats to Luk, which is what you want because this is a thana build. Middle Any aurora that gives +20 stats/Skull Aura, ROP, Emperium Aurora, Legendary LHZ Aurora, Legendary Zodiac Aurora (Any that would suit you, but I prefer Emperium Auroras) w/ Forsaken Soldier Card Lower SinX Blessed Ring/SinX Infernal Cape/Vote Scarf/Any Rucksack (Refine to +10, up to you) (Aim for the Cursed Ring) Use Amadarius / Bijou Other Options (Recommended): 2x Seyren on Upper, Gemini on Mid and Lower (Cheaper) Why? The effects of Forsaken Soldier and Maya Purple are useful during pvp (You wouldn't be really hitting anyone or anything but the Emperium), not for a dedicated Breaker. But if you have it, why not ;) Armors 2x +0 Sinx Dragonist Armor/ Vote Forsaken King Armor/Forsaken King Armor/Forsaken Knight Armor (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) (Dragonist Armor if you can get it 110%) w/ Tao Gunka + Ghost Ring and w/ 2x Gloom Under Night (two armors for the purpose of switching, Switch to 2x gloom if the defense around the emperium is light, and when there are no champs defending the emperium) Cloak +0 Vote Forsaken King Cloak/Forsaken King Cloak/Forsaken Knight Cloak (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) w/ Raydric+Skoll, 2x Raydric, 2x Skoll (2x Skoll against Thana Users, 2x Raydric against Neutral Property Attacks e.g. Asura, Raydric+Skoll is a popular combo in the server which is what I use as default) Boots +0 Vote Forsaken King Boots/Forsaken King Boots/Forsaken Knight Boots (I highly recommend the King Armor, Vote or not doesn't matter) w/ 2x Fallen Bishop Card (FBH gives an increase of 50% damage to Angel Monsters, Angel is the race of the Emperium) Accessories 2x Loki's Seal/2x Strength Belts/2x Strength Gauntlets (I highly recommend Loki's Seals and compound them with STR Runes) Shield +0 Frigg's Shield/Forsaken King Shield/Vote Forsaken King Shield (I highly recommend the Frigg's Shield it is obtainable through Quest) w/ Usakoring Card/Golden Thief Bug (Optional) (If you want GTB, I recommend you to put it in an extra shield for switching purposes only; I only have one shield w/ Usakoring on) Weapons In this section, I will just put the combination of cards that I felt comfortable with. Feel free to use your own combination of cards. Main Hand(Right Hand) +10 Hel's Unholy Dagger/Legendary Hel's Unholy Dagger/SinX Dex Oriental Sword/Loki Cursed Blade (I would recommend the Dagger, Why? Double Attack gives you more chance of hitting last and stronger damage) w/ Memory of Thanatos, 2x Abysmal Knight Cards, Orc Skeleton Off-Hand(Left Hand) +10 Hel's Unholy Dagger/Legendary Hel's Unholy Dagger (I would use the Legendary Dagger, why? To balance the strength stat when switching between the shield and weapon, but that's just me xD) w/ Turtle General, 2x Abysmal Knight, Desert Wolf or Turtle General, Abysmal Knight, 2x Desert Wolf STATS (Thana/Dex Build) (Add Agi, next is Str then Vit Last) STR (Main Stat): 280 - 300 (Whatever floats your boat) Base + Bonus = Divisible by 10 (Meaning you get a whole number if you divide it by 10) (What is a whole number? Whole numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4.....125, 126.....9,958 and so on) e.g. 296(Base) + 184(Bonus) = 480 (480 divided by 10 = 48, 48 is a whole number) AGI: Until ASPD is 195 LUK: 1 VIT: Put the rest of your points here Dex/Int: 1 or until you have 345 hit, entirely up to you. (Feel free to put some here if there are still points left after Vit, would recommend dex) Now about the Emperium: HP: I have no Idea but I can tell it's a butt load! It has been altered way higher in this server once since I joined. It was to prevent 30 second breaks during WOE. Race: Angel Property: Holy Size: Small Boss Type Immunity to Skills (Critical Build) There are just the same cards for critical sinx used in breaking that would help increase your damage against the emperium: Turtle General Card (Increase damage on ALL enemies by 20%) The Paper Card (Inflict 20% more damage with Critical Attacks) Abysmal Knight Card (Increase Damage on Boss Monster by 25%) Orc Skeleton Card (Increase Damage on Holy Property Enemies by 20%) Desert Wolf Card (Increase damage inflicted on small sized monster by 15%, ATK +5) (HINT: Not more than 4 Abysmal Knight Cards, not more that 1 Orc Skeleton Card) (This is due to card stacking effects which I couldn't be bothered to explain EVER xD) (Thana/Dex Build) Turtle General Card (Increase damage on ALL enemies by 20%) -> This is optional, if you wanna use it, just one and put it on the off-hand. This is because of the Magnum Break Effect which gives +5 Fire Attack. But again, that's just me. Memory of Thanatos Card (Deals more damage depending on the target's defense) Abysmal Knight Card (Increase Damage on Boss Monster by 25%) Orc Skeleton Card (Increase Damage on Holy Property Enemies by 20%) Desert Wolf Card (Increase damage inflicted on small sized monster by 15%, ATK +5) (HINT: Not more than 4 Abysmal Knight Cards, not more that 1 Orc Skeleton Card) (This is due to card stacking effects which I couldn't be bothered to explain EVER xD) (There, that explains why those are the cards used) Difference between the two builds This is Aerynth's explanation about this. It is a really good and simple explanation. Aerynth, on 24 Sept 2013 - 3:02 PM, said: Critical has a better damage consistency and you would have the ability to not only break but to deal damage to others as well during WoE, this means you could very well defend and break at the same time. The advantage of this build is that you can skimp on a lot of stats and add a lot more vitality that adds on to more health points, thus surviving longer. This build does not require any Dex as critical ignores the flee rate of all players. With all the new items and the valkyrie weapon for Assassin Cross and with the new addition of the Blessed Ring for Assassin Cross, you don't really need to add Luk at all. Thanatos build breaker is a different build all together, the damage is from average to high and it does not have a steady flow of damage consistency. However this build has the added advantage of the Double Attack skill that increases it's damage per second output, thus increasing your chance of breaking the Emperium, reason being the more damage per second you deal the higher the chances of you getting the last hit. You would also have to deal with having lesser health points compared to Critical build assassins and you would also not be able to hit other players as the usual build for a Thanatos build have only enough hit to hit the Emperium and not players with decent flee rate. With that being said, even without Thanatos card, you could still break with a Double Attack build so long as your damage that you are dealing to the Emperium is high enough to level with the other builds. It is very much possible, tested and proven. Hope this clears out to everybody about the differences between the two build, I would not help out on giving you a build as it's rather personal to me. What I can share with you is that most of the advise given on this thread are of somewhat relevant and of use. Good luck in breaking. Cheers. THE AK TALK Ok, as you can see I have included the AK (Abysmal Knight) cards in my build, Why? I'm one of the people who believes that the script of the emperium makes it a boss type nevertheless it shows on @mi or not. (Not arguing about this) So I tried to take out my AK cards and replaced it with other cards, Here's what I came up with: Main Hand: Thana, Desert Wolf, Orc Skel, TG Off Hand: VR (Rangdris Card), Desert wolf, Desert Wolf, TG (If you're not a fan of the Double TG, Then put more desert wolf, the cap on damage optimizer is around 80% not sure, but I know it wont go to a full 100%, so it stacks) Again, This is only my own opinion and preferences. Important Shinanigans Do not refine any of your equipment to +10 except for your headgear(Because of Seyren Windsor Cards) Or you will be munched up by thana users xD Use Enchant Deadly Poison Use Cursed Water Use Aloe Vera Use Steamed Tongue (If you have any) Switch Armors depending on the situation Switch to Dual Dagger depending on the Situation Use Poison React if you want Use Concentrated Speed Potions when you wanna rush SPAM SEEDS xD Other Shinanigans ANYONE CAN BREAK Legendary items are items that have 80% of the donate items' effects Vote King Set is as good as the Donated One, you just can't trade it. So vote, it's for the good of the server too! The purpose of this guide is to help other players and for me to learn from others so I'm open to criticisms and opinions, it would help this guide a lot. I am not the best out there, I consider myself decent, nothing special. I just created this guide due to the lack of info that is being shared about breaking in this server. I cannot guarantee that this would work 100%, breaking is also based on how lucky you are during WOE. This is just my own build and gears that I learned from different mentors. Hate me or whatever, I think guides help new players stay in the server as all servers are not the same. Guides helped me stay. I just want the server to grow, don't you want to have a more intense WOE competition? You scared of progress? Development? Don't be, it's not really a bad thing :D Thank You Thank you to all the friends I have made in this game :D Even if you don't like me anymore, I have no grudge against you xD Thank you to all the people that taught me so much in game and in the forums. I thank all the guilds that I have been a part of. (You wouldn't remember me coz I suck xD) Thank you to all that have been my mentors in game and for your patience. And lastly, The FRO staff, keep it up guys :D P.S. I included all the knowledge I have on breaking in this guide. So if you see something wrong, let me know as I do not know everything.
  3. Hi Guys! :) I just want to share my thought, how about having the sniper weapons back to a 2-hand weapon? because literally, you can't use a bow with just one hand (unless your f****n gifted) because its a bit imbalance to think that its a 1 hand weapon. On the other side of the coin, if you don't want to make sniper bow a 2-handed weapon then make the katar type weapons 1-handed weapon too :) WHAT DO YOU THINK? :th_ok: Feel free to share your input and stand on this.
  4. Hi all, Lately I've been trying out an SBK build on my assassin cross and I've drawn some conclusions. Based on my own experiences and knowledge of the other classes and possibilities I've decided to create this suggestion topic to hopefully get support and create more play styles for the assassin cross. So firstly what exactly is the suggestion about ? Everything written in this suggestion will be aimed at making the soulbreaker build a viable build on forsakenRO. For the ones that don't know what soul breaker is here's how the skill works: Damage on a "hit" = (INT*5*SkillLv + Random(500~1000)) + (((ATK*SkillLv)*((100-Enemy DEF)/100) - Enemy VIT) (Elemental Modifier) Damage on a "miss" = INT*5*SkillLv + Random(500~1000) In plain text: Soul Destroyer has 2 parts to it's damage which add to each other in the end. One part is based on your INT (read: not MATK), and the other is based on the ATK of your right hand weapon and ATK increasing cards (The left-hand weapon's ATK doesn't matter). Both are actually considered, by the game's coding, to be Ranged Physical attacks. Special notes: If dual wielding, then the cards of both weapons factor in, but if using a weapon and a shield/nothing in the left hand, then only the right hand's cards increases damage. Due to the nature of Soul Destroyer not taking the ATK of the left hand weapon in the damage calculations, having a non carded/% card weapon on the left hand does absolutely nothing in increasing your damage. INT part The base damage follows the formula: [(INT * 5 * Skill Level) + Random(500~1000)]. Never misses. Is non-elemental. No, not Neutral, but "non-elemental" meaning it is 100% unaffected by element of the target. This means that it will do 100% to Ghost element. Because of the way it is coded, Immune(Raydric Card) DOES affect this portion. It is affected by Thara Frog Card, Usakoring, Horn Card and Poo. Is not affected by MDEF, Maya Card or Golden Thief Bug Card. Is not affected by any +% Damage Cards such as Vadon, Hydra, Skel Worker, Turtle General, etc. The INT damage varies a little every time due to the random extra damage it gives as a bonus (ranges from 500-1000 dmg) ATK part The base damage follows the formula: [(Total ATK - Left Hand Weapon's ATK) * Skill Level] Can miss, depending on your hit and your target's FLEE, just like a normal attack. Takes on the elemental property of your weapon (if you are dual wielding it takes on the element of the Right Hand). Is affected by target's DEF and VIT. Is affected by all cards affecting any normal attack's damage (Immune, Cranial, Horn, Poo) Applies any defense-bypassing weapons such as Ice Pick or Combat Knife. Ice Pick's damage mods apply as well. Is not affected by any +% Damage Cards such as Vadon, Hydra, Skel Worker, Turtle General, etc. Note that +ATK from any weapon Cards do apply, even if other parts of the card do not. Skel Worker's +15% on Medium does not apply, but it's +5 ATK does. Add those two up and you get the final damage. Notes Being ranged, the skill is completely blocked by Pneuma. EDP does not affect Soul Destroyer's damage in any way. +% Cards do not affect Soul Destroyer's damage in any way. Status cards' effects do not carry. Ice Pick and Combat Knife affects only the physical part. Items that allow your attacks to bypass the target's defense, such as Combat Knife and Ceaser's Sword apply in either hand. Zipper Bear's SP cost-per-attack does carry through to SD. One for each Zipper Bear Card. You cannot use any other skills during the after-cast delay. Cast Time can be reduced by DEX, Suffragium, various Cards and Magic Strings. When dual wielding and casting Soul Destroyer, you are not penalized for the lack of Righthand Mastery or Lefthand Mastery skills. The Sign does not affect Soul Destroyer's damage. When dual wielding, the atk value of your support weapon will not contribute to Soul Destroyer's damage. Only atk cards will have effect. (The ONLY ATK that does not apply is that of any left-hand weapon. Aegis NEVER uses left hand's weapon for any skill's damage calculation.) Now as the skill description shows, this skill is somewhat focused on a low rate environment. It takes the skill level and multiplies it by the players int then multiplies the outcome by 5 + adds a random amount of damage (which on low rates it rather strong) after that there's a physical part which depends on your str and the enemies defense. After both calculations are done the damages are added onto each other. Other than the random damage add it seems like the calculation could work fine on a high rate. But here's the tricky part as described above: This attack is not amplified by any cards whatsoever other than atk cards (such as Atroce). However this effect does have it's damage reduced by demi human reduction and range reduction etc. So lets have an example lets say you have 300 int. the skill would do 10*300 =3000 * 5 = 15000+ 500-1k. Lets say you have 3000 attack. So 3000*10 - left hand weapon atk (we'll leave the reductions out for now) and the target as 50 defense = 30000*50 / 100 = 15000. Combining both it's 15000+15000+ 500 to 1k = +/- 30000 damage maximum damage output without any reductions from the enemy yet. As soon as someone would have a friggs shield you would do less than 15k damage each soulbreaker. You can compare the above with whitesmith's cart termination before they had their forsaken forger cards. Nothing adds onto the cart termination skill other than atroce cards and our custom forsaken forger card. This leads me to my first possible suggestion: Create a custom card with the same effect/price as the forsaken forger card but then for the soulbreaker skill.Before, the spamrate from soulbreaker was absolutely garbage. However with the cursed ring/jacket you can spam decently thanks to the 5% after skill delay reduction on the cape. However, the weapons aimed for soulbreaker are extremely underwhelming compared to any other of the sinx weapons or even all other class' valk weapons. The weapon I am talking about is the loki's blade these are the current effects: Str/Agi/int + 15 Vit + 10 Increase physical damage on demi humans by 10% (I believe this does not work for soul breaker) Increase damage with soul destroyer by 20% (I don't know exactly when this is calculated in the above calculations but 20% seems really low with sbk's base damage.) Increase damage with meteor assault by 30% (Neat effect but meteor assault won't reach over 8k dmg so 30% is not going to change much) Weapon level 4 (lower than the daggers) Atk: 200. (this atk only applies to the main weapon for sbk) Personally I would not be exaggerating if I'd suggest the bonus %'s on this weapon (except for the increase physical dmg to demi human) to be at least 10-folded to increase soul destroyer by 200% and meteor assault by 300%. Right now on a full SBK build vs someone that has friggs usakoring + ring you will not deal over 13k dmg with SBK which is obviously, laughable. So my second possible suggestion is changing the loki's blade to: Increase the damage with soul destroyer by 200% Increase damage with meteor assault by 300% Weapon level 5. These changes do NOT mean that SBK will do 10x as much damage. it means that it's getting a 180% more dmg boost based on the base damage from soulbreaker. This will lead to sbk doing +/- 20k-22k dmg on usakoring frigs which should be fine. Summary: First possible change: Create a custom card with the same type effect/price as the forsaken forger card but then for the soulbreaker skill. Keep in mind that 40% for soulbreaker will not have as big of an effect as 40% for CT to percentages might have to be highered.Second possible change. So my second possible suggestion is changing the loki's blade to: Increase the damage with soul destroyer by 200% Increase damage with meteor assault by 300% Weapon level 5.
  5. Hi Guys! :) I just want to share my thought, how about having the sniper weapons back to a 2-hand weapon? because literally, you can't use a bow with just one hand (unless your f****n gifted) because its a bit imbalance to think that its a 1 hand weapon. On the other side of the coin, if you don't want to make sniper bow a 2-handed weapon then make the katar type weapons 1-handed weap :) WHAT DO YOU THINK? :th_ok: Feel free to share your thoughts and your stand on this. transferred to Suggestions. Sorry -.-
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