Dear, guys/ girls who has ship captain hat but no brains,
I have a Ship captain hat too, but the difference between me and you is that whenever I was getting zeny in abyss_03 i TOOK IT OFF.
This is a pvp server, there are loads of pvp map, you only need 52k damage to one hit gold dragon, wizards on this map are already the icon of a uncontrollable AoE douchebag, sniper and other job have more control over their target so just use your eyes and brain. If you are too cool, just don't farm nor go to normal maps. Donate to the server, get yourself a life :)
But if you find killing other players in a normal map fun, i suggest you to get a psychologist, have a talk with your friends or just get out of your room and have a walk in the nearest park.
Best regards, A guy who uses ship captain hat with a brain