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Mr. Masochist

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Mr. Masochist

  1. Complaining about everything without trying to help change it will get you nowhere. You gave us nothing to support your opinions, nor were you polite with them. All in all you need to calm down and rethink how to address these problems that you think are problems. My honest opinion, the new weapons are a little underpowered and if anything need a boost in some areas. The new set of Valk weapons were absolutely amazing and gave the underpowered classes exactly what they needed. -1 for sure.
  2. It happens. It's called economy.
  3. From what I heard the new Lute/Whip does less than the forsaken weapons. Is that true?
  4. I can only hold about 250 seeds with my gear. I think they should get Lvl. 5 Enlarge Weight Limit on the Lute/Whip, the Soaring Bow and on the Elite Guitar/Whip. Also, the rest of the classes who have Lvl. 10 should only have Lvl. 5 as well.
  5. Updated.
  6. Mr. Masochist


    Eir's Book of Exorcism [ 1,000 ] also S> HWiz Highness [ 600 ] PM me ingame @ goblet or leave a message here.
  7. Those new clown weapons are kind of a let down. Anyways, good update and great sprites.
  8. Bought this all actually. Thanks.
  9. Orange Imp [ 1,400 ] Kitty Claws [ 350 ] Or Best Offer PM me ingame @ goblet or leave a post here.
  10. Mr. Masochist


    I would Vent with everyone.
  11. By far one of the best additions to be added to the Event NPC ever. I've been waiting forever for the Orchid Headband to come to fro.
  12. Yeah those colors are pastel like and would be easy to read.
  13. Can I have working files of the valkwoe sprites? When I unpack my grf and try to open then with the appropriate program or actor it gives me errors. I am interested in doing some recolors to suggest. Thanks. :)
  14. I suggest changing the broadcast colors to something a little brighter. As of now the red and the blue are too hard to see on the top of the screen and even in the chatbox. The green is readable in a few places and the purple (only color readable) resembles party chat too much. The colors would be a lot better if you used a Pink, Cyan, Lime, and Electric Yellow color. I don't know if I am the only one experience troubles in reading the BCs, so forgive me if I am.
  15. Mr. Masochist


    Firering Rucksack Aquaring Rucksack Pandaring Rucksack Usakoring Rucksack Winged Drops Rucksack Angeling Rucksack Deviling Rucksack Arch Angeling Rucksack Leafring Rucksack Lord Knight Halbred Forsaken Knight Dagger offer here or PM ingane @ Hierarchy or Ketamine
  16. I love the art you guys make for these updates. Anyways, my favorite rucksack is finally released ! Good update.
  17. I've been using it on champ since 2008. the card is fine, just wear devs or reflect them when you get lexed.
  18. supdawgsnawmean
  19. I disagree with clowns getting a weight limit boost. I main clown and with all of the proper stats, I can carry 300 seeds while still having enough dex to do good damage. They are already balanced and do not need this.
  20. Best of 5 as in 3-2. So basically best to 3 I guess. I probably should have said that in the first place. Lol. Anyways, these could go on a long time even if you make the amount of rounds short. Fights can last up to 10+ minutes depending on how good the players are. A number of rounds instead of having just one would make it fair. I know some times I get small lag spikes fighting someone and I tend to die from them, or I hit the wrong key, etc. Works out flukes.
  21. +1. Should be best of 5 or best of 10 obviously. Classes have their advantages and their disadvantages, you just have to find a way to climb over your disadvantages. Nothing wrong with allowing everything usable in the game in here.
  22. Seeing a set being able to be warn by all classes and non-donation would be wonderful. It would really help newer players out imo.
  23. The class sets really don't give people what they really need to PvP. I mean yeah, a non-donation PvPer versus a non-donation PvPer maybe. But not everyone can put on an elite set and take on full donation fighters; some people can, a lot of people can't. This set gives them a little bit more of a boost than the elite sets which could overall help them.
  24. I've noticed that our server has been trying to become more newbie friendly. Most of our gear is donation based and to successfully PvP you really need those donation gears. So I was thinking, how about implementing a set, much like the Forsaken King's armor set, that can be used on every class but is quest-able? Of course the power and buffs the set gives is less of the Forsaken King's Set but it gives more than the elite sets. Maybe it can be accompanied by a pre-quest, like a quest before you can actually make the armor. It's just a rough draft I put together but something along the lines of this could greatly benefit the newer players. Here I present the Forsaken Knight's Set Forsaken Knight's Helm [2] The helm the Forsaken Knights were rumored to use in combat. Str + 5 Vit + 5 ASPD + 5 [+Forsaken Knight's Armor, Forsaken Knight's Boot, Forsaken Knight's Cloak] All Stats + 5, HP+ 3% Item Class: Helm Equipped On: Upper Defense Rate: 5 Weight: 30 Required Level: 150 Applicable Jobs: Every Class Forsaken Knight's Armor [2] The armor the Forsaken Knights were rumored to use in combat. Vit + 3 Max HP + 5 [+Forsaken Knight's Helm, Forsaken Knight's Boot, Forsaken Knight's Cloak] All Stats + 5, HP+ 3% Item Class: Armor Defense Rate: 10 Weight: 100 Required Level: 150 Applicable Jobs: Every Class Forsaken Knight's Cloak [2] The cloak the Forsaken Knights were rumored to use in combat. Max SP + 8% [+Forsaken Knight's Armor, Forsaken Knight's Boot, Forsaken Knight's Helm] All Stats + 5, HP+ 3% Item Class: Garment Defense Rate: 5 Weight: 50 Required Level: 150 Applicable Jobs: Every Class Forsaken Knight's Shield [1] The shield the Forsaken Knights were rumored to use in combat. Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 15% Item Class: Shield Defense Rate: 6 Weight: 50 Required Level: 150 Applicable Jobs: Every Class Forsaken Knight's Boot [2] The boots the Forsaken Knights were rumored to use in combat. Agi + 3 Crit Rate + 10 [+Forsaken Knight's Armor, Forsaken Knight's Helm, Forsaken Knight's Cloak] All Stats + 5, HP+ 3% Item Class: Foot Gear Defense Rate: 4 Weight: 35 Required Level: 150 Applicable Jobs: Every Class
  25. As a fellow clown player I agree with these suggestions. The Clown Soaring Bow was a great weapon to have at first, but after it was nerfed we have next to nothing of a valk weapon. Not many clowns resort to using Double Strafe as an option to attack so this only leaves us with the Forsaken Guitar. I would only suggest adding +5 or +10 int onto Roger's initia suggestions. This lets us use Jupiter more effectively.
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