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Daniel garcia

Forsaken Elder
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About Daniel garcia

  • Birthday 03/27/1987

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  • Real Name
    Daniel Garcia
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Daniel garcia's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Hope none of the capes get nerfed , and Kittie get me a LK cape please. hahaha Nice update.
  2. you can pm me in Game , Hayan or Refresh~ . or just BC for Daniel Garcia.
  3. T> 2 Tyrs for one Odins

  4. Dan "Anyweight/Anytime" Henderson

  5. S> Firering and Friggs. $nooze

  6. Been busy for a while, so yea, sorry about that, but I'll look into it this week.

  7. Dude, Happy B'day! :3

  8. Man/girl , im having Problem with Dropping Maya Hat (vote item) , since i got it , it never worked , i have made a ticket in June 2010 , first of all the description said 50% redux to Earth , when i bought it come 30% , the Endow Earth Has never worked , so u can do something about it?

    Gen told me to talk to you.

  9. Man/girl i don't know , i got a problem with Dropping Maya Hat, i have made a ticket in June 2010 , and since when it never worked,

    First of all , the description said it was 50% redux to earth , and when i got it was 30% , ok , The Endow earth never worked , now the Endow Earth Just Give me the Endow, and not my enemy .

    Genesis told me to Pm you here. the Ticket is Closed

  10. as a middleweight you mean 84kg? there are so many different weightclass in boxe. Im southpaw too , i used to train with Luiz Dorea , the same teacher of a Brazilian AMB champion , now he teaches MMA fighters like Minotauro and Junior "cigano" dos Santos , hes actually fighting Brack Lesnar.
  11. college sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adum*


      nu nu it dun sucks..

    3. Veggie&Mac


      i miss college >;<

    4. Masahiro


      it does...=\ just today i had a 10 hour day with a 1hour break and like a 10 page lab write up to do tonight...fml..and todays the easiest lab day..tomorrow = the worst.. :'(

  12. People who Killed My Thana GDIAF. i hope the Ban hammer come to see you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Masahiro


      damn, that sucks man..

    3. Adum*


      wops, was that yours? my baddd...

      no really i dun even mvp. LOL

    4. Centurion



  13. No seriously , why we got not hing new to LK weapons? most got underpowered beside Sniper/clown.... it seems LK weapons were underpowered before , so didn't need anything to do. LMAO
  14. theres nothing new to LK weapons...
  15. Hi Daniel! :D Nice to meet you!

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