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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Methamphetamine

  1. PONG
  2. Coma is still 1 hp/sp, regardless of death. :c
  3. Immunity to coma if vit over 200. pls. I'd change all my builds to get less str, too.
  4. Last click: 2 mins ago. Icaem.


  5. Should be free like @feelreset.
  6. ;-; I'm gone for the first half of valentine's day.. ;_;
  7. Processor: AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz Single core Memory: 1 GB System Type: 32-bit XP SP2 Harddrive: 350 GB main HDD, another 500 GB external, and another 300 GB external. Video Card: NVidia GeForce 7600GT AGP
  8. How come we aren't both wearing emp aura on that pic ;-;

  9. Oh shut it it's not as bad as harry potter.
  10. Levis, if you seriously believe emp auras are cheaper or as cheap as thanatos, try buying one. Do it. Go. I'll believe you then. As for now, price usually Thana + 3k + Backpack + items or something.
  11. over 9000 1337 or 69
  12. I saw the title page and never touched it again.
  13. One picture to work with = fail It's good considering the harsh conditions under which you had to make it <3 ~8/10
  14. You need to englarge them a lot more than that. :C Oh come on, where's some safe driving?
  15. I mean it deals decent damage already, it's just annoying when it AoEs.
  16. Do you do breast size reduction as well? AA pls.
  17. Yours > Mine
  18. OMFG LENI'S AVATAR IS SO MUCH PRO-ER THAN MINE. k using hers Does anybody want their name engraved on my siggy so they can use my disturbing avatar/siggy? <3
  20. I'M ON A ROLL! Not quite happy with the avatar on this one, too blurry. But meh w/e.
  21. over 9000/10 make me one that's that pwetty ;_;
  22. This is fun, even though I suck at it..
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