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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dart

  1. I feel like I'm missing something here.
  2. First miniboss was Angeling back on iRO with a 55 Swordy. Counter attack pwns. First MVP was Baphomet with an LK, took about 2 hours. Lol
  3. I'd love to watch a battle of this. Someone fight Zeit and other people from this server and fraps it. I wanna see it!
  4. Dart

    Forsaken cards

    I do like what I'm seeing and I like your idea, but someone has already been commissioned to do all the custom mobs. Including ones that aren't implemented yet. That said, your coloring is awesome.
  5. Dart


    It's probably because they aren't compatible with Vista yet. Although if you're patient, I'm sure one will turn up somewhere.
  6. Dart

    Takoyaki maker.

    Precisely. Way to guess I wanted two kinds of cheese.
  7. He was nervous. Of course we can tell he was nervous because of his shaking camera hand. It's ok man, being nervous is normal. :D
  8. Dart

    Takoyaki maker.

    Can I get one with some Ham, Cheese, Turkey, Salami and Cheese in it?
  9. KOS. I'm making a list now. It's MY KoS list. You're on it. >.>..
  10. Dart

    About Rucksak?

    The longer you have a castle without it breaking, the more money you can invest into the castle economy. The higher the castle economy, the more treasure chests that spawn. More chests equal more chances to get the rare drops.
  11. I love the parking job there.
  12. A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold GM's listen to music too!
  13. You are epic KoS!

  14. Dart

    This or that

    Leni Lork or Lork?
  15. I'm in 6th. Days almost out! Then I get to go home, log for a few, host some stuff and then work! Yay!
  16. Dart

    Why did you change your avatar!??!

  17. Dart


    Closed by request. Wonder why no one did it at the time it was requested.
  18. No entering this account. It's off limits. Everyone who sees this message is epic KoS.

  19. Dart

    Infinite Knowledge

    Friday is the name of his horse.
  20. Topic closed at request.
  21. Nitemare92, I believe you missed a vote that was in your favor. no1i was the poster.
  22. Dart

    Infinite Knowledge

    The only problem with the sun blowing up and the human race dying off because of it, is the fact that we have 5 billion years before we have to start worrying. The human race has only been around for several million years. Not even close to a billion and look at what we've accomplished. With 5 billion years of waiting and planning time, I don't think we'd be on this planet any longer.
  23. I'll only give you 5 stars if you return the favor /gg

  24. Let's not let it get out of hand. Everything is ok right now, but I just don't want it to escalate.
  25. Am I sexy too? QQ

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