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Everything posted by Pokie

  1. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Lol, alright. Done.
  2. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Dark Lord and ESL is no problem for me. (Especially ESL) but I'll talk it over with Kuyuti. The red bijou request has been canceled. As for the sinx card. I'm not sure if we will be hunting in bios since we are short on MVPers and not to mention that the monsters there are a pain to kill. I'll talk it over with Kuyuti. Also, remember we have a forum for requests now and this thread is actually used for testimonials. Thanks.
  3. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Okay. Canceled. PM me on Zyroi.
  4. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Please read the first post. It's not guaranteed and not to mention there is a line up. >.>
  5. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Btw Kazuha. I've been looking for you ig but I guess I'll try here. Your order of 500 FCp 800 Converters and 1000 BoS is ready for pick up. :)
  6. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Exactly what Kuyuti said. Right now we're lacking a good MVPer and besides that point TG is over camped. :\
  7. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Order added.
  8. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Added. Ignoring. ;D Delivered. :P
  9. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    ForGvnChamp we have your Moonlight Flower Card ready. PM Zyroi please.
  10. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    I don't think that I can go down to 20 each cause all the prices have already been slashed down so much. And I would like to remind you and everyone else that MVP cards are NOT guaranteed especially now that I've lost my MVPer.
  11. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Alright. We'll add you to the list. :) Btw. Intimacy. Your order is ready for the 800 Darkness Runes, 1000 LITTLE Evil Wing and 1000 LITTLE Evil Horn. :3 Just PM Seirei/Pokie/Zyroi.
  12. You know. I really gotta learn to stop skimming. :3 Let me rephrase that then. "Gosh how kind of you Mez offering your BRIGHT MIND. And no. I am not rich. > 3>;"
  13. How kind of you Mez. And you were saying I'm rich?! xD
  14. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Alright added to the list~:)
  15. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Thanks bro. :)
  16. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Of course sweetie~<3 We're in this together. Rofl. Good point. But I need money to leave the country too! Where will I go?! Oh noes! D: And hey! Only I can call them hookers! ^-^ No problem. Here to serve.
  17. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Of course sweetie~<3 We're in this together. Rofl. Good point. But I need money to leave the country too! Where will I go?! Oh noes! D: And hey! Only I can call them hookers! ^-^ No problem. Here to serve.
  18. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Lol! I'm gonna go Bankrupt cause of you Mez! :P
  19. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Yea. I actually was thinking of doing that. But the thing is. :P I can't change the post. Gotta wait for Kuyuti. xD And I always forget to tell him. :P;;; Rofl! I'm not keeping what we make to ourselves...XDD
  20. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Yes sure. :3 PM me when you get on bro. ;D You don't have to use it on a shining plant. :P But yea. You can always find random MVPs at prt_fild05 and yggdrasil01. :3nods: Yea 200:1 is fine and I'll get working on those myself. :3 Order placed. I'll tell you when it's ready. Yea. Those are no problem. I'll work on it. :3
  21. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Well, I've always been told that Shining Plants gives high chance. And comparing my summons to another color plant, it's true. Most of the time if you go to yggdrasil01 you can probably find random MVPs that were left there. xD I know I personally leave them there. :P
  22. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Lol, are you stealing business from us? ;D Well not like we can get Antonio card right now. :P Any good Prof will tell you that Shining Plants will give you a higher chance of summoning MVP. All Profs have told me the same. Not just me.
  23. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Lol, we try our best. :3 <3
  24. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Alright. :P We have your Dracula card ready. PM me on Seirei.
  25. Pokie

    Carpe Noctem

    Lol, yes it is and you can almost pretty much find everything on forums since anyone and anybody posts and asks any questions. X: Yea, you really have to be darn lucky to even summon and to summon a good MVP at that. There's a higher chance if you use it on a shining plant, btw. If you didn't know. :3 :P You're not the only unlucky one believe me! xD And added to the Queued list. :) HocusPocus is a good way to earn coupons. But you have to be pretty much extremely lucky to get a MVP, get a good MVP and get card. :\ (Damn you guys are lucky..)
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