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About Abo

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    ....why do you wanna know? STALKER!!

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Abo


    Hey Hollister is Destiny full or still recruiting? 'cause I'm still interested in joining :smile:
  2. Adum*

    lmao!!! apo...abo..lol

  3. Abo


    I'll leave my IGN here I guess... ~Kiryu~ EDIT:In a guild already.
  4. Aghh!! I gave up already and changed the leader to another person. I guess i'm not the "guildmaster" type.
  5. :( no really didn't notice until now

  6. Apo

    You're the noobiest so you coppied me

  7. When it was WOE everyone but like 2 members (other than me) were on. I was like wtf?
  8. Ugh.... I think I might give up and try look for a guild again...
  9. Abo

    o_0 just noticed that you name looks almost like mines.

  10. We really need to recruit priests....
  11. Just don't be like this Or unless your a boy it would be "fanboy"
  12. thanks cyaNiDe got 3 people :3
  13. Your right just saw the guild exactly named Soriana Anyways... No one is joining my guild :( still have 2 in total. Maybe I should make this bigger... Join my guild!! :D Delta PM ~Kiryu~ !! Maybe it will work? lol
  14. Anyone else wanna join? This guild is pretty lonley with only 2 people in total lol. And the fact that people think that this guild ish n00biey :(
  15. How about mostly ninjas? lol
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