The flu can be contracted from eating raw pig, regardless of what anyone says. If the pig isn't cooked at the right temperature than the virus will not be spread. but if it isn't then it could be spread. Now I don't know who eats raw pig but if you do I'm sorry to hear that your diet plans have changed. It is spread through contact ect. People aren't dying from the flu people they are dieing from inflame lungs due to the all the symptoms of the flu. The flu is hardly lethal only if your fever takes a high jump will it become lethal. When the infection started to spread I did a bit of research on my own and decided to the ignore the medias Hype.
Yes it can be spread by uncooked pig,
It can be spread by rodents, insects, people or any other host that is able to carry the virus.
It must be inhaled or entered into the body in someway to be spread. So don't breathe in someones sneeze and keep your hands clean.
The Symptoms are the same as a flu, I would suggest over the counter Meds and only call the DR or the ER if you are having trouble breathing and your fever is higher than normal
I think if everyone starts to "panic" that is when this could become a pandemic.
Flu seasons is at is close which means that the flu won't last much longer but it will most likely come back next flu season which could be a problem if a formidable Vaccine or treatment plan isn't set up for this flu :).
Im not a medical Geek I just read and study a lot.