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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Kuyuti

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. Kuyuti

    Hey Guys :d

    Sooo it has been awhile and I'm not sure if anyone remembers me but I think I'm back but I dunno? So all my homies from kindled just wanted to say whatsup and if you remember me then a double whatsupp!
  2. I dont think he wanted a sarcastic answer, Halion or Jetx was it ? Been so long
  3. Can you tell me the woe and mvp sniper build..?

    because i click the website.. but nothing come out..


  4. Kuyuti

    A new MVP

    Well I just bombed a final where the teacher considered me on of the best students ;-;
  5. Kuyuti


    I don't have to its obvious you can get swine flu from a stapler ^^ even if you wanted to
  6. Kuyuti


    Actually -.- if you read the quote a bit closer it says No. H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get this new HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. They started calling it by its "scientific" name once the pork industry started to complain because of their sales and prices started plummeting. That would also be why the site made a clear statement on how it couldn't be spread by "food" or that eating "properly handle and cooked pork" is safe. Which it is - People in the pork industry properly handle their pork ect. I'm saying you can get it from grabbing a big that has the virus and killing it and eating it right away ^^. I never said anything about the pork industry which is perfectly safe to eat pork that has been processed ect. And yes oseltamivir or zanamivir are used to treat it there is also a few other treatments but those 2 are preferred. Unfortunately dart I just don't throw stuff together I use sensibility :). I watched the CDC conferences and a few other things :). Actually the Flu can be spread through any object which is why people are closing schools. The flu can only last on an inanimate object for a few days or so ( Sorry forgot the length :/) so that is why no school "cleanings" are necessary. This Flu isn't a "real" Pandemic, or in my opinion.
  7. Kuyuti


    The flu can be contracted from eating raw pig, regardless of what anyone says. If the pig isn't cooked at the right temperature than the virus will not be spread. but if it isn't then it could be spread. Now I don't know who eats raw pig but if you do I'm sorry to hear that your diet plans have changed. It is spread through contact ect. People aren't dying from the flu people they are dieing from inflame lungs due to the all the symptoms of the flu. The flu is hardly lethal only if your fever takes a high jump will it become lethal. When the infection started to spread I did a bit of research on my own and decided to the ignore the medias Hype. So Yes it can be spread by uncooked pig, It can be spread by rodents, insects, people or any other host that is able to carry the virus. It must be inhaled or entered into the body in someway to be spread. So don't breathe in someones sneeze and keep your hands clean. The Symptoms are the same as a flu, I would suggest over the counter Meds and only call the DR or the ER if you are having trouble breathing and your fever is higher than normal I think if everyone starts to "panic" that is when this could become a pandemic. Flu seasons is at is close which means that the flu won't last much longer but it will most likely come back next flu season which could be a problem if a formidable Vaccine or treatment plan isn't set up for this flu :). Im not a medical Geek I just read and study a lot.
  8. Kuyuti

    A new MVP

    That is what I want to get Devotion is that "everyone" has to do most of the quest. I used Sky in ffxi as an example earlier. I like the concept because everyone has to do a big long line of quests to get into "sky" then to summon Kirin you just need to kill eight mini bosses who drops items that spawn bosses ( 2 items each) and those bosses drop 4 items that you use to summon Kirin :D but everyone has to do the long strand of quests to get there. How much longer until the spriting is finished Devotion :)?
  9. Kuyuti


    It isn't 100% Swine Flu. It is an evolved version of the Swine Flue or H1N1 A as they are calling it. It contains strands of Avian and Regular Human Flu. Right now the panic is the treatment. The Flu is so unpredictable but it is just like any other Flu. It is still Treatable by a few medications but with its rapid escalation in fever is what seems to scare people the most. No one has died from the flu but they have died because of the effects of the flu : Pneumonia. Basically if you get the flu you are advised to treat it like anything else. Don't panic or raise your anxiety levels because then you will raise your fever and then youw ill be in critical. Tons of people of recovering and its Death ratio is really low. This is nothing to panic about So just don't fall into the medias depiction of the scenario. Swine Flu (H1N1 A) is hardly lethal ^^ Swine Flu is a flu the Pigs can get and if a pig with swine flu is killed and eaten raw or has not been cooked at the appropriate temperatures ( 160 degrees) then that is how the virus spreads.
  10. Why lucky you, you're someone's "babe" > 3>

  11. Kuyuti


    Maybe I small HP boost should be entitled but those classes are still pretty powerful, I mean it is a ranged class so it is "I keel you before you get to me" sort of thing :D
  12. Lucky you she talks to you like that -.-

  13. Kuyuti


    I guess Ignorance is bliss <3 XP
  14. Kuyuti


    My parents don't tell me anything I'm old enough and smart enough to figure things out on my own. Honestly I don't think bush is perfect and neither was he potrayed perfect and maybe that is why I liked him; because he was human. I would much rather have a president that seems human and normal than one that is potrayed as a near perfect God. And I said I consider myself RIght Winged but I do share some interests that Left wing people do. * I also think that bush was run by his Cabinet a bit, but then again what president isn't? And I guess if the movie wasn't a real Bias set film I will probably watch it then since it is in the Red Box now :D- May enlighten me a bit more to some other events in his life.
  15. Kuyuti

    Huge Extension

    Well I told you I didn't agree with the ACcessorys name so that maybe it would be a bit better off to follow the story line. I think my questline does need a bit work but I think associating a few of the few lesser used MVP cards (Atroce, Vesper and Pharoah) may very well help out the economy as well. But anyway I wouldn't reccomend telling people the quest line >.>;;; but maybe a pool of suggestiongs to give you an idea on what to do lol.
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