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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Lucius

  • Birthday 01/26/1996

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  • Real Name
    Hoochi Mama
  • Ingame Character Names
    y u care...
  • Guild
    Physical Speducaiton

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Hero (6/10)



  1. y u b so funi?!~

  2. It's all conspiracy, I'd testify to that shit.

  3. I evol uoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( on omoh )

  4. Daymn man.

    Nice pair you got thar. ;D

  5. I'm not naked, I'm shirtless... It's in my profile, with the boob-increase that Serenity gave me.
  6. I'll post pictures of me naked.
  7. Umika? From RO2? It's Damascus. Pervs calm down, she's like, 14.
  8. Critical attack. I use crits against them and it works all the time.
  9. Lucius

    New Card

    Coma is a good ally in battle against those classes. Unfortunately, I'm against this :[ I don't want my coma to be deprived from me against those classes.
  10. I speak the truth IRL too. I don't care about what others think, some think I'm too blunt and careless about who I speak the truth with. But in the end it just made me a bit popular.
  11. I'm hated for speaking the blunt truth all the time, I don't fear anyone though. That's how I'm at 90% warn. Meaning, if you're hated for Bisexuality, don't fear the people that hate you.
  12. Homo/Bisexuality isn't a reason to be flamed or hated for.
  13. Then start your own. Valentines Day isn't until tomorrow anyways, I don't see why the hell this thread is up in the first place.
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