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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Kanani

  1. hell yeah <3 what about u 24/8 muchhh

  2. lol ive never had food poisoning but i knwo its rly bad. get well soon !

  3. you sound dead you okay? lmaooo

  4. you sound dead yooou okay? ^_^

  5. Kuya elder what is upp =] its my winter vacation il be on 24/7 nows =D 5am-9pm hahahahahaa

  6. you sound dead -_- you okay???

  7. Kanani

    3 words !

    insert a big
  8. should tell the person above him to tell the person above him (Maiku), that i didn't notice but ppl r still posting so its all cool. loll
  9. Kanani

    3 words !

    because you always
  10. isn't your picture from that friendster account of that one girl LOL !. uhhhmmm ive only been here for a bit :] likee 4 years.

  11. yahh you are an elderly ! lmaooo

  12. i never see u ig ! >:0 always PKing muchh!?

  13. haha you got to be careful w. what you eat more -___-'

  14. made me LOL @ his post.
  15. Kanani

    3 words !

    and all the
  16. Kanani

    Vending Machine

    *gets a tin can again* (LMAO<3) -inserts penny-
  17. Ohw Hellllzz naaawww! hahahahaaa YOU FIND ME ! x3 or else !

  18. just came home from winter show rehearsal, im singing ='D

  19. ohh how come?? sick??

  20. jeeez boring to talk to muchhh -__- lmaoo tell me a story.

  21. lmaoooo yerrr fuuuunnnyyy =3

  22. i can do that pose too :3 lol
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