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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Kanani

  1. i LOLed.
  2. i see you =) haha

  3. i hate a guy whose name starts w/ a J :D hahahahaa!

  4. Yo momma so stupid, when she was filling up a job application it said "don't write here." she wrote, "why?".
  5. True. (lol) tpbm sleeps on his or her tummy.
  6. y so srs.
  7. i LOL <3
  8. hahahaha !! omg I tried the secret admirer one it was funny. :]
  9. The Oreo Cookie Test >> Click Here << "Psychologists have discovered that the manner in which people eat Oreo cookies provides great insight into their personalities." My result was... The whole thing. This means you consume life with abandon, you are fun to be with, exciting, carefree with some hint of recklessness. You are totally irresponsible. No one should trust you with their children.
  10. "my homework, is already done so i think i'll read the dictionary just for fun" & LOL @ the end.
  11. i ur only friend. teehee <3

  12. you look black in this pic. lol.
  13. he stole it from me >:(
  14. cam whoring (:
  15. whats a chin strap? left. i don't like this one that much.
  16. btw its an ukelele :) hahaha ! I'm good. you ?

  17. i know right ! I'm shopping today for concert clothes :)

  18. yeah well I had to. i couldnt take some of them there. -_-

  19. thanks :) its for a pageant.
  20. :)
  21. Kanani

    Omg! Bewbs!

    Thanks, Jay.
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