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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Here's a nice tip. If you know how to summon MVPs using hocus pocus do it, and if you get lucky and get eddga, farm BoS using him and his minions. Or just find eddga in Pay_fild or Gld_dun01 Or just farm on Bigfoot maps.
  2. Born2punish

    Euro WoE...

    Ever taught of getting things RIGHT?
  3. Born2punish

    Euro WoE...

    If it's for "ASIANS", why would it be called EURO WoE? HUH?
  4. Born2punish

    Euro WoE...

    Errr, CAN YOU SEE THE TITLE OF THE WOE? EURO WOE NOT ASIA WOE. READ CAREFULLY. I know I'm asian but I'm in europe so I still vote for weekends. k? k.
  5. Born2punish

    Euro WoE...

    LOL I agree to this actually. Euro WoE here starts at 3:00pm and finishes at 4:00pm. I finish school at 3:00pm.. I mean wth. Sunday is like no school for alot of people. So I AGREE.
  6. Hmm ok?
  7. What happens exactly when you talk to a girl?
  8. No man, for real, i didn't scam her. get it right, me and bullet are two different person.
  9. ...
  10. It's going well, but things are changed like the prices and there's more nice GMs.
  11. LOL srsly, me and bullet. is a different person.
  12. SOLD. When is it going to be a voting item?
  13. 250. pm PinoyChamp or post here.
  14. Bump -Buying LK Card-
  15. Where'd my guide go?!
  16. *Bought* 2x FBH Incan
  17. menz, pm me igame ill buy ya cards.



  18. Kay. PM me ingame, PinoyChamp What cards do you have?
  19. Bump.
  20. Buying: Lord Knight Card PM PinoyChamp if selling. or post here.
  21. Born2punish

    My Shop

    Can i buy sinx set please. Thanks, pm me, you know who to pm bro.
  22. menz, u miss dize, teh GMz hits 10ks with no spamz. dem.

  23. u self estim? u so pro? u noe me? kthnxbai.

  24. For example: Someone bought a red sunglasses from me for 25 coupons. The trade was dealt successfully.. But after a while she regrets buying it.. and want a refund, but i refuse to give a refund as it's a fair trade and I already spent the coupons. Is that even reportable?
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