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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Pilfer

  1. who drops these?and where?
  2. Pilfer

    light pink ftw:>

    Is it the same price as other donation wings? :unsure:
  3. pm Bonafide-gunslinger
  4. pm Bonafide...he will add two coupons
  5. want to trade for dex belts??
  6. pm Bonafide he will trade
  7. i have dex belts...pm Bonafide
  8. what do i do with the certificate when im done the quest?? what are the different weapons for each class?
  9. leave offe plz....damauscus,were you on yesterday?
  10. LOL DAMASCUS.....what do all the different donation wings look like
  11. im new...nice to meet you
  12. im thinking about gettig wings..how many are there...what do they look like....whats their effects....
  13. Pilfer


  14. LOL!!i'll get back to you when i'm in game...right now i'm not able to reach my computer
  15. hmm...i'll wait till i have seen other people's offers...
  16. T>Coupons for VH[2] and Dex,Str Belts....Offer me
  17. iHunt i thought you quit....
  18. who drops ice pick at 10%??
  19. Pilfer

    First Elite

  20. Pilfer

    Forsaken Elite!

    Has anyone finished??
  21. Pilfer

    New Update!

    so it can be a lvl 1 transed pet??
  22. Pilfer

    New Update!

    how can you trans your homys??
  23. Pilfer


  24. LOL!!can i help??
  25. Pilfer

    New Update!

    is the update on yet??i cant check...i'm at a net cafe
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