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About Margarine

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  • Interests
    Video games, petty theft, aberrant humor, menstrual berries, dreadlocks, Bill Cosby, pickles, cheese, making cheese jokes that no one gets, my shit shoe doggy, eating so much that I fart all the damn time, the INTERNET.

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Margarine's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  2. it's a menstrual ball.

  3. lulz what's that in your personal photo D:

    ahd hay :) t'sup

  4. Unlimited amounts of yggdrasil and EDP tickets are for sale. Yggdrasil Tickets = 3:1 EDP = 1:2 Making FCP for order. FCP = 100:5 Leave your orders here or PM me in game: Enceladus, or Plumfrost.
  5. Safety wall your ass.
  6. hey you gook why are you stalking me HUH


  7. BUMP, added another suggestion OHOHOHOHO
  8. wut does WOE have anything to do with my suggestions :|
  9. i liek u
  10. Suggestion 1: The stylist should have a back button: When you're browsing through the colors, but accidentally miss the one you like, there should be an option to go "back". As far as I know, scrolling through 300 something palettes takes a life time. Instead of going back to palette zero and browsing for another hour, a back button would help a whole lot. Suggestion 2: Identifier NPC pls: I'm a pack rat and I autoloot all the time, everytime. It gets really annoying to sit there with 29837432 magnifiers identifying my loot. Yes, I know that it shows the name of the item even before you identify, but there are some freakazoids like me who like to store everything I get into my guild storage for my friends to use. I think many people would appreciate it. Suggestion 3: Have a monster that drops heart of mermaids in Forsaken Dungeon: It takes a lot of effort to get the pass, it also takes a lot of effort to hunt for the mermaid hearts. Unless you want to sit there and open OBBs and hope you get a mermaid heart, you can try to grind in Izlude dungeon for a couple hours killing Obeaunes with a spawn rate of 40, hunting the goddamn hearts. Why not add it to the Forsaken Dungeon? There's monsters that drop ygg berrires that are high in demand. Glistening coats are also high in demand, but no one makes them. Why? Because it takes a fucking long time to hunt for the mermaid hearts. I think it would balance out the glistening coat economy very well, so implement some monsters in Forsaken Dungeon that drops them please :3 Suggestion 4: Have a time constraint when deleting characters: All right, I'm not going to lie. I deleted me and my boyfriend's characters a month ago because I was PMSing (Something I wish I didn't do :<). Sometimes people get hacked and what's the first thing the hackers do? They rape their storage and delete the characters so there would be no item log. Instead of being able to delete characters so easily, there should be a time constraint placed. Say, a window would pop up that informs the character, "Your character will be meditating for 3 days, after 3 days this character will be deleted permanently. Yes/No". During these 3 days, the player will be unable to log into the character unless he/she "restores" it with a button. This would be hard to script, I admit, but if one of the devs can do it I would be thoroughly impressed. Anyways, back to the topic. Thus, if people are hacked, (or having emotional problems that causes them to destroy everything they own!), they could possibly reverse the damage and go back after one or two days and restore the character (along with their items). Suggestion 5: @ali2, @ali3, or even @ali4: I want to autoloot more than 2 things at once.
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