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About Azurefox

  • Birthday 10/20/1990

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    (Old) Transcension

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Novice (1/10)



  1. It does suck when you put a lot of effort into something, you make a small request and its thrown back in your face. Bit of experience in that field. I haven't personally started the storyline quest, nor would I know where. Which is kinda nice. If I ever wanted, I'd have to hunt around or something. I'm sorry that people can't respect the smallest of requests, but I still feel the best solution, at present, would be to remove the first NPC. See how things go in a few months and potentially re-open the quest line. See if you can't take those couple months and snuff' out most of the leaked information. Then when it feels secure enough, open the quest line back up. Or, more radically, change the positions of a couple NPCs. That's more work though :/
  2. Will do. Downloading the file now. Fix'd. Thank you very much for your assistance. :D!
  3. Could turn off use of the First NPC so that new people can't begin the quest, but those already on it have the ability to finish.
  4. The only thing that makes me question that it's my ISP is my friend in Buffalo. She's got a Cable connection and is a good distance away from where I live; I have AT&T for my ISP. Not sure what it could be. Maybe a port is closed for both of us, and needs to be opened. I dunno :/ Never had this issue in the past lol.
  5. Accessing my old account, probably going to start playing again and I'm getting a Failed to Connect to Server message. Tried all the fixes I could think of. Let's me select my character, but then goes no further. Seems like a problem with the Map Server not letting me get connected. What makes me think it's server-side is that my friend in Buffalo is having the same issue. So I'm not sure. Reply when able. Thanks for your time. Bieo
  6. Just now looked at my 'other' account. Got my comp fixed by deleting everything off it and reformatting. Sucked but whatever. I think there is a possibility I'll be returning. Soon as I get it to let me connect. Friend wanted to play RO and well, this is the only server I feel comfortable on anymore. Despite being gone forever. Maybe I'll see you around. Take care Gen.

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