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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Wish not granted, because Apple fanboys won't stfu for you MUAHAHAHAH I wish for sex
  2. Nice guide =) Thanking you for the post

  4. What da heck ? Why do I need to Listen to that song?

  5. Perishable

    The Chariot.

    When i was doing ndlms on Champ my cloak broked how to fcp that lol SIGH
  6. Why not? didn't we had something special ?

  7. Oh men u sxc <3
  8. Happy birthday Rinn <3

  9. Perishable

    Guild notice.

    Agreed with John <3 HE MY IDOL :D I GAY HEHE
  10. Da fork, You can do that ?
  11. Hi, you liekz gaiz ?

  12. Aww lol, where is the green frog quest anyways ;] Me want to wear that with my green emp xD Green is my favorite color <3

  13. Baby I love you, and baby I miss you.

  14. Yes, I know :[ want to have some fun? lets go do some quest ;]

  15. How are you rinn ?

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