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About Kipo

  • Birthday 08/27/1992

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  • Interests
    Forsaken RO<br />Aliens<br />Ghosts<br />Weird Things

Kipo's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  2. Wow i never knew that. Very interesting. Thanks guys :D I learned something.
  3. Asura is not allways neutral. At least i dont remember the skill saying so. Why would you use Imaterial Arrows.... It does you no good to hit Ghost With Ghost element...
  4. Kipo

    About card slots

    It could mean 30 coupons or that they have 30 of that specific item. Some people do it ither way. But no, No weapon in ForsakenRO has more than 4 slots.
  5. People who use Ghostring Enchant there armor with the ghost element. Just make your atacks Holy By using a Holy weapon or try finding a card that echants your wepon with the holy element. Use holy arrows if you are a Sniper. And Silver Bullets if you are a Gun Slinger.
  6. What is stacking downfall if you dont mind me asking? O.o
  7. I use 3 "Goldenring Cards" and 1 "Turtle General Card" . (That gives the most damage on players because of the order in how the cards are read.) Olso for players who have High Vit. You can use 2 "Goldenring Cards" 1 "Turtle General card" and 1 "Thanatos Card" (That combo will obliterate Sacrafice Palladins or any other class that uses high Vit) Well that is what I use on Players. But for MvP's Just use 4 "Abysmal Knight Cards" and hit the MvP with its Weak Element. (You can research MvP's Items and Monsters here at Ratemyserver.net)
  8. Thanks everyone! I love colorful guides :D
  9. Woot! Guide has seen Greatness!
  10. Im just saying be smart with the people you do let use your things. Real friends you trust are ok if you trust them for sure.
  11. People get scammed on every server. But everyone that gets scammed lets it happen to them by not being well informed. I will give you some Rules to follow that will ensure you do not get scammed. Here are the Rules: I: Do Not! I repeat DO NOT! Give your Username and Password to ANYONE! II: Never! Give your items to someone so they can try it on. That is a downright Scam! Never give your items to anyone unless you want that person to keep those items!!! III: If someone tells you they can duplicate your items. Please take a screenshot with the button directly on top of your "Insert Button" of that person telling you that. Then PM the picture to a GM. Any scammer that you help GM's find will be of great help since scammers never stop scamming. No player can duplicate items! There is no such hack! Stay away from those people! IV: Never Pay anyone in advance for an item. Even if they show you that they have that item! They can simply take your zeny and leave. Be careful with things like that. (Screenshots can be found inside of the folder your forsaken RO files are in. The folder is called Screenshots) (Remeber Screenshots are your best friend use them any time things smell Fishy.) Those are the rules. Now if you do happen to get scammed Here is what you do. "What to do If you get Scammed" I: If your account gets scammed because you gave out your username and password. Thats very unfortunate because that is your responsibility. What you must imediately do is go to the Control Pannel in www.forsaken-ro.net and change your password! If you cannot get into your account because your password was changed you can PM a GM your username as well as your email address and your new password and see if the GM finds it resonable to change the password of your account again. Olso if your account gets scammed and you lose items. That is not the GM's responsibility so dont bother asking for items. Please be sure to put a Strong Secure password on your account. II: If you give someone an item and he/she does not wish to give it back. Well you should have been smarter. Because now you have no proof that that was ever your item. And no GM will give you back your lost item. When this sort of scam happens it is between you and the scammer. You can try to ask for your item back. But if you dont get it back there is not much else you can do. That is why you never give items out that you are not willing to lose. III: If you get scammed of a large ammount of zeny. If you get your zeny stolen that is your fault for giving it to that person. There is nothing you can do afterwards. So please dont pay someone in advance. Well as you can see guys there is not much you can do after you have been scammed. So its best to follow the rules so a scam never happens. GM cannot protect you from scams and most of the time they cannot help you much after one. So the best thing to do is protect your self by playing smart. Alright guys Have Fun and Play Safe!
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