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Everything posted by pankiller

  1. that means i must throw away all my 54 vote tokens? and i cant use them? T-T
  2. also another question. i have like 54 vote token and i don't know where is the vote npc. the server change a lot!
  3. i have a problem, my account has been offline for a loooong time and somehow the name of all my chars are "null" its a problem of my game? or is the account that have a problem?
  4. pankiller:_-"-RIKU-"-_
  5. great men that help alot tks
  6. ;)
  7. there is something may help.... i have in my guns some cards that use only during the woe.... are easy and simple cards.... are this cards: Elder card: class: weapon card status: inflict 40%more damange in GUARDIANS during WoE hours other card is: increase solid card: class: sheld card status: recive 50% less damange from guardians during WoE hours this may help a little
  8. yes the stars have an elite equip but.... :who-let-rip: that equip dont help in what star gladiators need wen they fight... the stars gladiators need and equip with sp n more life because the stars :sad01_anim: DONT use weapons... that mean they dont have a lot of attack and lose 4 slots (4 slots of the elite weapon) they need a diferent equip with more slots in the armor or in another part of the set... u r thinking "why dont use a book?"... the stars have a very complex build becase use the soullinker power to become powerfull... the armor give to the stars agi and vit ..ok that work but the agi of the armor they dont need it... wen they are liked the aspd of the stars go to 195 doesnt matter if u have 1 agi... the attack is more powerfull (aument the attack in 100 :axehead: )...but that reduce the hp when u attack in soul mode u lose a little part of hp... the armors dot give u the nesesary hp for the star(remmember the stars DONT have resu job) my idea is make a set that give to the stars the status that they need to be equal, for example, an assassin or champion(fight build). in other servers i saw a special set for stars that give to them the status they need... this is my idea... the star is a pretty good job but they need a lot of hp, sp, and some attack but some of the card of attack go in the weapon and the stars dont use weapons... i stop here because is to long :guitar:
  9. :sad: this is more for those who love the stars gladiators....the stars gladiators need good equip and the star elite set dont work for any star dont have the good combination of status.... they need a new equip especially for them with a good status equip... of course if u have the fset is the best... but for those practically new need a quest,not easy but not too long >_>, to get a good equip for start they are pretty good REALLY :laugh:
  10. greate more for the stars xD and new quest add i go to search for it >_>...<_<
  11. happy birthday how ald are u now??? xDDD
  12. ok.... i post this for new ideas or for the opinion of the members of forsaken levae ur idea for new year/chrismas and vote was is the best idea for the server help the gms to make a good chrismas events or items see ya -------------------------------------------------------------------
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