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About unknown13x

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Novice (1/10)



  1. well considering how much i already donated to this server, i think i have to rights to say so. plus, its just an opinion, cuz in the end, i might end up donating anyways. so back to topic.
  2. well the price is up now, its $25 T^T i would consider donating if it was $20...
  3. well i understand about the damage, that's why i didn't mention about the damage, but just the HP difference, it wouldn't exceed 10,000 even with full vit. Oh well, i'm gonna stop complaining. Just hope it won't be too expensive, cuz i really want one for myself too :)
  4. i'm not gonna lie, but those differences are so small. It's just like having a donating emp aura. 2,500 HP is kinda uselss in fRO since we're doing more like >5k damage or at most it'll save u from 1 or 2 assasin attacks. and the extra stats, people would just stick into STR which means u carry about 5-10 less yggs.
  5. did the GM's took out the spawn of peco peco egg at moc_fild10? i was hunting peco peco egg there like a few weeks ago, and now nothing spawns, even if there's many people on the map. It's so hard to farm now that the map that spawns the most is only (50) rather than (70) from before. Can we have that map spawn back? Or is it gone forever?
  6. Will buy for 15 Dcpns. PM Me @ UnknownXIII :thumbsup_still:
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