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Cool Guy~

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Everything posted by Cool Guy~

  1. Like stalkers are almost useless when people have Fcp, it would be nice if they could Strip when they get soul link.. But not like that they will need a fcp bottle and the strip won't be like full strip they will have to do strip armor, strip shield, strip helm and strip weapon to do full strip and each one will need a fcp bottle to make the strip.. I dont know if that would be a good idea, i just was thinking about it and posted here to see if you people like the suggestion :)
  2. Yeah, I got mad with my last pilot, I just got a new one and he does not make problems :) .. LOL!
  3. Uhm, ive never posted one picture of me.. I'll post one: The right one is me & the other one is Vortex(?) [Joke it's not Vortex lol]
  4. Uhm.. were the asura delay planned? I was ganged by 4 guys and i just came with 2 edge and spam meteor assault and kill them with coma that was great :laughingsmiley:
  5. Get me a thana at that price please(?)
  6. Cool Guy~


    And then ??
  7. Lol then it's ok :) good luck =]
  8. My first love was named Karla, She moved to spain so we broke up :(
  9. Uhm.. i think the price of thana is 5k - 6k, but offer for my thana? i'm Trading or selling :P offer me =]
  10. Well, Like the Title says leave offer here :P =] so i can see if i can sell it for it =]
  11. The Champion is the solution of your problem :P
  12. Thanks for the Welcome lol. :)

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