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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by D.Vampire

  1. I left the server, after 4 days. xD

  2. I am back to the server, yell out to Som and the others who know me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drunk


      Welcome Back! :D

    3. masterneil


      Welcome back!

      Ur ign? Maybe I know u o.o

    4. Decode


      Welcome back my friend!

  3. PM on here, whenever you have the time too.

    1. Perishable


      Hey Josh, how you been brodie. I miss you. I've been very busy lately. I don't play anymore. I only come on to check on updates and visit. How are things and did you ever get a job bro?

    2. D.Vampire


      I am doing better, since i left the server. There was too many rumors and stuff going around 3 years ago on here, i just got to much into them and it ruined me on here/irl.

      I haven't got a job yet, my friend put me in for McD's never got a call for em. Lame as hack.

  4. Sometimes, things get bad but you gotta fight em till end.

  5. Welcome to the server
  6. Endless Love - Lionel Richie Ft. Shania Twain
  7. I am coming back soon, i want no drama/BS. Ok bye!

    1. Amicable


      Welcome back :D! I think...

  8. Welcome to the server.
  9. I'm still around, but trying to be a undercover person. Haha~!
  10. I've always try my best in everything, i've try to be loyal and not a pain in the butt... That's how i roll :D

  11. From May,14th, 2011. This pic is almost a year old. Haha One from this week, i look like a goof. xD
  12. D.Vampire

    Times Up

    I've been playing since 2008, but i came to say my good byes. Simon Maria Mello Nadtorious Jas (From Loli) Dan (From Loli) Edu (Even since, we don't talk much anymore) TimeWiz (I am gonna miss ya too) Som (I know, i was a pain but i didn't mean to annoy you)
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  13. If, i am a freak then your even a bigger freak then me in everyway. ;3

  14. I was with Som, when he was hunting for it. Legendy 4ever. xP
  15. Everytime, i try to lift myself up. You push me back down from doing soo. Now that i am getting stronger that won't happen ever again.

    1. Nadtorious


      *like* , yo big man, lets WoE later, I need to catch up with you. x__x

  16. Ghost is the best guild, all i can say is "Ftw". Josh~
  17. Here a link: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=members Everytime, i try to change something in Interests, Ingame Character Names, Guild. It happens to me.
  18. I have really good news, i'll be working irl soon.

  19. Every time, i'm in Change Profile Information trying to edit it. I get this
  20. Some people have a Flow or Swag, it's not the same thing.

    1. Perishable


      I got a superfragilisticexpialadocious flow and a Hannah Montana swag.

    2. D.Vampire


      @Som:*Drop dead from laughing*

    3. Veralynn


      Som speaks the truth. He's the most swaggy flowing guy ever.

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