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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Guardian (5/10)



  1. You can always make your own MVP's. :D Welcome to fRO!
  2. You really shouldn't post your personal information like this. A mod should hide this topic.
  3. Crack'n my old passwords .. it's kind of like foreplay :D

    1. gagosila123


      as long u got the username and email, you can still forget password it ... XD

    2. Aerynth


      I feel you man, haha.

  4. Here's to another 5 years! Happy Anniversary fRO!
  5. Yo! Could you contact us somehow, please? D:

  6. Son of a &!*$# ... screw this game .. Saw the "JUMP" sign at 100 meters and MY DUMBASS looked down for a jump button ... too many console games, sigh That may be 99 meters but my BEST SCORE is -3.3 .. hahaha
  7. Shield


    I'm glad you pointed that out ... The U.S. is getting way to comfortable with indefinite detentions and withholding evidence/info in a lot of the new bills/laws they're trying to pass in the name of ''protecting our freedom''. With as big of a show as they put on making these arrests, you'd think they'd have something to say or some proof to support their actions. The sad/ironic thing IMO .. Most or all of their evidence had to be obtained by hacking, stealing, or spying, all of which is illegal if I remember correctly. :) OH YEA >>>> The other day I saw my first "This video is not viewable in your country" message on YouTube. This video wasn't filmed in a cave promoting anti-US behavoirs, it wasn't a hate-fueled speech against a particular race/religion, it wasn't underaged pornography, and it wasn't a call to arms from some anonymous hacking group. This was a low-quality music video from the 90's. (the REAL irony is that the music video is the only one of these that you CAN'T access) Now, I don't want to sound priviledged, but I've been taught and raised to be American where we generally believe that we are priviledged. I never thought we'd wind up behind some fence where we were told what we can and can't see.
  8. Shield


    From what I can understand .. The main 4 reasons they went after Megaupload: It was the biggest file sharing/storage/cloud site. They were personally disgusted by the flambouyant owner. They were pissed that he blatantly refused to "fork over money" to the US entertainment industry. And it was just another way for the US/FBI to flex their muscles. I've seen a lot of different opinions about this in the passed few days but I'm leaning toward the anti US side of this one. Don't misunderstand me though, I love my country but this time they crossed a dangerous line. It's bad enough we try to police the world and now we're trying to govern the internet. As far as rapidshare and mediafile and a few others, they HAVE dished out money to lobbyists or shared some profits with Hollywood and their industry, so they're not being looked at in the same light for some reason, even though people store the exact same types of materials on those sites as well. Copyrights and trademarks are all over the front page but ultimately this is all about GREED and DOLLAR SIGNS. SOPA (i believe) was so loosely worded that it would have made it so that a big corporation, MGM/Sony/Disney for instance, could basically just point at something on someone else's site and say "that's ours" .. your site would be shut down until you could afford the lawyers to contest them. What's more disgusting is watching these politicians (that were pushing the bill as hard as they could) and listening to them openly say they have no idea what any of this internet stuff really means. From there about a dozen of them are caught referring to the need to bring in a team of "nerds" to figure it all out. THEY HAD NO ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT THEY WERE SIGNING. I think Jon Stewart said it best .. "Nerds? I think you mean EXPERTS!"
  9. Shield


    so ... did anyone else lose anything? i had a shit ton of emulators and roms on there from way back when they were supposedly acceptible to own as long as you personally had original systems and cartridges (which i still do) but those rules/laws change so damn often I'm probably on a list now .. aside from that it's also where I kept some srsly illegal warez n proggies .. but I'm not about to claim anything at this particular time LOL there's talk of a possible class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Government and F.B.I. but in all honesty i doubt they'll get the expected 150 million people that they're wanting before they pursue anything formally .. add your thoughts on MEGAUPLOAD, SOPa, PIPa, Lulz, Anon, or whatever TANGO DOWN << get used to seeing this if the US continues it's current trends #OpBlackout (february is gonna be fun)
  10. new years was f'n awesome; after that things quickly fell apart .. too many things to go into great detail; longtime love ended in the usual heartbreak slap to the face .. a beloved family member passed 1000 miles away, spent every penny i had to make it there .. came home to an empty, eerily quiet house (i live next to a major airport and 2 highways, it's not suppose to be this quiet) .. playing catch up on all my bills now .. can't sleep .. not hungry .. not really depressed, just a constant state of stagnant boredom .. as usual there is a "light at the end of the tunnel" but it's so hard climbing back to the top 'AGAIN' that it's almost not worth it .. think I'll just chill out down here and give someone else a lift before I go up
  11. >> This is my application. << Thanks for your consideration.
  12. Shield

    Story Time!

    You left out THE MOST IMPORTANT part!!!!! Epic - "Lolo!"
  13. Starting from the beginning .. You hit maximum job level. Talk to the Forsaken King in fcity and he tells you about the Elite warriors and sends you out in search of Victor. Once you find Victor he sends you on a quest to find your class specific elder. After you find the first elder npc and do the initial quest(3k hydra,etc.), the elder gives you a certificate to take to Victor. Victor then gives you 200 bonus points and grants you the 'Elite' title. (some people confuse bonus points for individual stat points; you don't get 200 str, 200 int,etc.) From there he directs you to the Elite set elders. It's at this point, I believe, that you can forego the elite set quest and skip to the Forsaken Knight quest which is what my last post was about. But I still recommend doing the Elite set quest, if not only for the weapon. To start the Knighthood quest, which leads you to the F. Knight equipment and then legendary weapon, find and talk to the King after becoming elite.
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