I'm glad you pointed that out ...
The U.S. is getting way to comfortable with indefinite detentions and withholding evidence/info in
a lot of the new bills/laws they're trying to pass in the name of ''protecting our freedom''.
With as big of a show as they put on making these arrests, you'd think they'd have something
to say or some proof to support their actions.
The sad/ironic thing IMO .. Most or all of their evidence had to be obtained by hacking, stealing,
or spying, all of which is illegal if I remember correctly. :)
OH YEA >>>>
The other day I saw my first "This video is not viewable in your country" message on YouTube.
This video wasn't filmed in a cave promoting anti-US behavoirs, it wasn't a hate-fueled speech
against a particular race/religion, it wasn't underaged pornography, and it wasn't a call to arms
from some anonymous hacking group. This was a low-quality music video from the 90's.
(the REAL irony is that the music video is the only one of these that you CAN'T access)
Now, I don't want to sound priviledged, but I've been taught and raised to be American
where we generally believe that we are priviledged. I never thought we'd wind up behind
some fence where we were told what we can and can't see.