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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Syntax

  1. Thanks, good luck to you too :>

  2. There might be a problem with the level of novices, some might not be even lvl 1.
  3. Syntax

    Thanatos Cards!

    Ironically, the champions that were considered "bests" all had Thanatos. How about re-evaluating champions now?
  4. +100 atk will not make things brutal.
  5. Just to clarify, the new Ice Wings from the Vote NPC gives +100 ATK and +10% walking speed. That's around 1k damage boost.
  6. Syntax


    Welcome to Forsaken RO! I recommend you take advantage of the voting system, it's a MUST! :> http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=7925
  7. I beg to differ.
  8. Hosting all of the events! And also jailing, muting, and punishing perpetrators. ;]
  9. The questions are not to be considered challenging. They are basic standardized questions to determine your comprehension, intellectual, and coherent abilities.
  10. Syntax


    Try updating your patcher/Sakray/KRO clients. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=1812
  11. If you need a more elaborative explanation on how to vote visit this: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=7975 though the voting site should be self-explanatory.
  12. Why complain about it? The candies were created SPECIFICALLY for halloween, It should already be assumed that since this is only a "holiday" event, the effects and items will only last for a duration amount of time. You guys need to think beyond your own boxes.
  13. Syntax


    Welcome to Forsaken RO! Be sure to catch some of our events. >;]
  14. Syntax

    Hello ish new :P

    Hello and welcome to Forsaken RO! :] There are many WoW players alike that has transitioned here.
  15. Syntax


    Welcome to Forsaken RO! Don't hesitate to ask any questions you want answered. Daily events are also held by us, GM team, so be sure to catch some! :]
  16. Hence why the FBH headgear was created.
  17. The vote system is not at all a desperate call to be at the top. It was made so that the individuals can help expand the server by voting, nobody is compelled to vote, you don't have to if you don't want to vote. But to show the server our gratitude you are being rewarded for helping to participate in FRO's expansion. As Sushi has said, this system benefits EVERYBODY. Not only will it please the veterans but it will also help newbies gain confidence by anticipating at least some exemplary items that doesn't need to be obtainable through almost impossible schemes. Not to mention it's a great addition to the server's custom features which, hopefully, making us a savory server to play. No it is not easy to obtain these items because the players are dealing with something very different; not MvPs, not farming 2k+ items, not other players themselves, but time. It was a well thought out vote systematic by Genesis might I add, a win win for everybody.
  18. Welcome to Forsaken RO! Looking forward for you to join our events. ;]
  19. Syntax

    wtf is goronz

    The extra 2000 stat points for baby classes have been removed temporarily and will be inputted as soon as possible.
  20. Syntax


    Hello and welcome! =] If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!
  21. Syntax

    Hey, New to Server

    Hello and welcome to Forsaken! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. :]
  22. Hey and welcome! :]
  23. Syntax

    Young blood

    Ahh yes, it's always very tedious at the beginning when starting in a new server. In any case, welcome to Forsaken. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. :]
  24. Hello and welcome to Forsaken. :]
  25. Syntax

    Goodbye Friends <3

    You can quit, but I know in the far future you'll have a crave for RO, save your items!
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