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About Sanyo

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Sanyo

    Peace out. :]

    Uhh, so I decided to leave. Cause, real life is currently being a bitch to my face. And, I gotta deal with this shit. So, I'm leaving for good. Won't be back, but maybe one day, so maybe not good after all. But, after I deal with this shit. I might be back on unless school starts to flow in. Girlfriend and family are my major concerns right now. I don't wanna tear it down. I feel like shooting myself in the head, but I'll do that once Jay buys me a gun. But, yeah. Living life and live through it with all the pain. So, I hope you guys enjoyed my company and enjoy playing. I hope I somehow contributed to the server donations or just helping people around. And, here is a list of the names I could remember of people that we're wicked cool. Somdara Jay Peter Sieg Heart Kagamii Diana AsoBark Moonie Amii wiwi Polyphonic And, if I forgot your name. I wish you could excuse me, since those are the only ones I could remember. But, I had great times with the other members. If, you need to contact my MSN is [email protected]. And, well the server was great but life has things to attend to. I wish to you see guys around. Stay strong while playing and let no one bring you down. Well, its my last farewell. Peace out, peeps. :]
  2. Sanyo

    Adobe Photoshop.

    Sorry, not German. ^^;; Anymore offers? I'm looking for the kinda updated ones. kthxbai.
  3. Sanyo

    Adobe Photoshop.

    Ummmm, if anyone uses a hacked one, I'd like to use it too. ^^;; Send me the link where you found it or ummm, just send me the files. Please and thank you.
  4. Mhhhhmmm. Picking your nose I seee :D
  5. Sanyo

    B> Items.

    Wow, Mike. Why didn't you post earlier?! Well, I just wanna buy the boots and cloak. So, I'd like to trade LK set w/ 1h LK sword and 2h LK spear, Sniper set, and a valk card. Get at me.
  6. Sanyo

    B> Items.

  7. Sanyo

    Hey, New to Server

    Se7en should be korean. And, I listen to a little korean music. But, hello. Name's Biscuit. :D
  8. Sanyo

    B> Items.

    Equipment Forsaken King Set Card Nothing at the moment. Etc Nothing at the moment.
  9. Sanyo

    S> items.

    Updated x]
  10. Well, it was a good debate but looks like "No" is the winner :[ But, I do want to request more palliates for the clothes.
  11. Sanyo

    what is better?

    I use a FBH with a Tanee at the moment and it works okay. But, if your going to TSS and Asura, then I wouldn't recommend using a FBH with a Tanee. But, since I only use asura, I use an FBH.
  12. I most certainly will not :'D Jkay, show me.
  13. What the fuck? You traded an OL for an NYH?!
  14. So, Its kinda hard for me to match with my clothing if I have green BB wings and a red/yellow NYH. :/ Can we have color choices like the Forsaken King Helm? Discuss.
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