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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Got any other weak replies, i got a few hours left so I could get some literature.
  2. Actually you just failed, I do have a job. And a life as well. I just log on this forum after job to reply such threads out of amusement, seeing how you and common sense doesn't coexist it's easy to make fun of you. Funniest part is reading your next childish reply to every post wrote.
  3. Seriously, a kid aged between 13-15 shoudln't be so harsh to his elders.
  4. He finally obtained the attention he wanted. Now you can stop posting or keep posting and just make yourself even more hated. Not like you seemed liked by anyone to start with.
  5. kos
  6. You also must put my picture a write "Uber" at the bottom
  7. kos
  8. Apo


  9. you just put a 24x24 8bit bmp in a folder called emblem in your ro directory..
  10. Had something similiar happening. My neighboor put traps on the floor to caugh birds eating his falling pears, one day I was hearing a loud noise, similiar to a bird one so I went outside and saw a bird trapped, so I acted quick and jumped the fence and opened the trap and he flew away, no clues how far he went with a broken legs but at least I gave him back his freedom.
  11. Apo


    Triniel had a 1 hour 30 min wait time ot log on the server so i said f that and went on Siel.
  12. Apo

    Third Class: Sura

    No to third classes, not like I care since I don't play RO anymore but still. NO
  13. Apo


    the male sprite looks like disco dancing people form the 80`s just add an afro and u got it all.
  14. Apo


    Sept 22 bitches, colector edition.
  15. Apo

    2000 Get.

    You have successfuly Troll'd this forum. Congratulation.
  16. mes ""; is thé command to pût text in a script thats all, was just for fun im a Scripter

  17. Apo


    Greater than great that is. And thnaks to you all for this welcome.
  18. Apo


    I don't do source coding I script NPCs, so I won't take care of your ballisca issues.
  19. Apo


    Sup, I'm not new to the server but I'll be a scripter from now on, expect nice stuff to come in the near future!
  20. Don't pronounce AcePlayer, that nga stole my orange emp...
  21. the all mighty Johnzaurus

  22. Apo


    There's more than 5 angles in total if you count the ones as you are being attacked, in attacked stance,and on movement. *Fixed typos
  23. Apo


    Sorry for my arsh behavior, but anyways. About emperium auras and .acts, it's not because of the /act that the emp becomes blue and that for sure, I've done recolors in the past, and all the .act technically does is tell the .spr where to be and how to be when your char moves so the error is when you recolored the blue emp you missed some angles and positions which causes the color change. as of the ROP the error isn't caused by a Creator o Paladin so of course you won't error, and the current solution is simply modfying your sclient to make read an other item sprite until someday ROP ever gets fixed and stop claiming it has no errors, because it does have errors.
  24. You donate, you don't purchase items, so they can do whatever they want with the items, that's why they use the term of donation. Else they could be sued if their server wipe or whatsoerver and items are gone. So if you donate it's to support the server and to compensate they offer you a selection of gifts. So this aitem could be removed toorow and you'd have nothing to say about it.
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