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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Don't even know why you made this post, it's your problem if you don't even do th works given to you in the meantime.
  2. Apo

    I Draw Stuff.

    Animes too, Matsumoto for exemple.
  3. Apo

    I Draw Stuff.

    Impressive, I might need one of my stalker let me know when you have a slot.
  4. Apo

    New Event Items?

    MF cards for me
  5. Apo

    New Event Items?

    New customs or any hat?
  6. Apo

    A new MVP

    Then my post was just fine and had no reason to be commented in the first place, so let's get back to topic
  7. Apo

    A new MVP

    It's also a good idea to put precise thread titles.
  8. Apo

    Ya Peace

    This is depressive, if it just keeps going I might be next
  9. Apo

    A new MVP

    Topic title cleary says A new MvP so unless it was wrote in an other language than english, when u click it it brings you to the 8th page so I replied within what I've read from this page making my post perfectly fine, it's you who shouldn't mase such assumptions in the end.
  10. Apo


    @life Apo 100
  11. Apo


    Kid you know nothing about life
  12. Apo

    Guess What

    Meat ballz.
  13. Apo

    A new MVP

    This looks like boned dump. And also, we don't need new MvPs we need updates. There's three worthy MvP's we don't even have here. 1) Tendril Lion 2) Hardrock Mammoth 3) Nidhogurr's Shadow
  14. Annhiliator here, but i dont play CoD. Killzone 2 or BalzBlue
  15. Apo

    Buh Bye ;]

    lol tHe emo console stuff, happent to be once. wont last long. See you soon.
  16. See a doctor. I remember hunting Osiris card back then, took me 20 to get card and it's 10% drop
  17. Apo


    kos SN: I do the same hobbie but planning a better career but similiar
  18. Apo

    Very Anoying

    hell no, lh and thor random killing while wearing noob looking stuff ftw
  19. its because i was there, in the tree.
  20. Apo

    I Hate You Guys

  21. Apo

    Integrated Hat Quests

    Whats wrong with it. "pls fix it" won't help me finding the source.
  22. Apo

    Uninvited Guests

  23. Apo

    Uninvited Guests

    Got anything more interesting to say po
  24. Apo

    Uninvited Guests

    This rant is based on a true story that happened tonight. I was having a party over at my house, I knew everyone except two uninvited guests which were sounding nice and we had fun together played pker smoked and drank, then later one of my friend went outside with them and was very drunk after drinking all his vodka and smoked so he was really down, he was trying othave fun with everyone and the two uninvited guests then, abused of the situation stole his wallet, cellphone and pot. Then in the exact same time they left liek nothing happent and the guy being too dead he just came back in a min or two later and was like "yo i lost my cell, my waller, eveything!" so i was like wtf, went outside alked to someone and we called the dudes who might of stolen the cell and refused ot come back until they were forced to. One they came back they were both frustrated to be suspected for the phone rubbery and kept saying it wasn't them but looked too suspicious concdidering they didnt wanted to come back and left as soon as it happent. Then after all of the 20 people reunited in one spot and everyone was fighting verbally until things went more complicated and one of the two took a metal bar laying on the floor and hitted my best friend and menaced two of my other friends with it, then i caled the police and three car came but the main suspect was too drunk to give clarified info and everyone had already ran away except the innocent ones, so we dealt with the police and nded with a result as "there's nothign we can do" even tho all the evidenced was not even 5 min away form my house, the two policemen i dealt with were doing a fine jobs, but the ones who intercepted the others in the street seemed very ignorant and simply didn't react at all so now my whole party was just a mere drama and flame and my friend lost his cell and wallet and has no memories of what happent. All to say, never allow uninvited guests to crush in your party, it's a lesson of life, never trust anyone.
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