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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Apo

    New Npc

    One: Will ruin economy Two: It would ruin server funds and might create a huge movement for botting. Three: No.
  2. Apo


    With my 67 years of RO gameplay I can tell you that server doesn't require what you ask. just because made guild which cant get curent castle we should add more? What will be the difference? You wont be able to defend it anyways so you'll just make it worst. And my mindset wasn't to monopolize WoE drops but most likely to bring larger mount of people in the same castle. atm payon and pront are the only castle wanted and you get waves of 10+ breakers rushing in alde evertime its token, remove alde and those breakers will be hopeless in a castle with huge defense making them have to join them and or make their own guild to take over the castle. that dooesnt mean that the guild will suceed so take that out of your mind. But in january Trans will be back so probably things wiill sound like Pront = Trans Payon = RM and AlDe = Influ or w/e? Those are my personal though so dont feel insulted by my previsions. Thous getting castles will be harder giving more competition.
  3. Apo

    Zeny Fever

    B> Thana 100b
  4. Apo


    I keep wondering why you type so much nonsense without knowing the server itself, you're nobody here only Forsaken Ragnarok Online veterans has been answering to your post and all disagreed. You're just shoveling your own self in a hole deeper and deeper everytime you and reply with your Low Rate 5000+ players community WoE versus a (100 Assassin Cross Breaking at random places and two guilds which manage to stand up but are allied). So keep your ignorance out of this topic.
  5. Apo

    I'm Stoned :(

  6. Apo


    Dude, lrn2ro... More castle = more random breakers getting castle = more woe drops = item prices dropping = noty we should reduxe castle during american woe, like remove alde castle making more guild willing to team work and higher woe drops
  7. there's no such thing as a balance suggestion, its always based on poster's way of seeing things. I cant count the amount of the so called "balance" thread which all ended being left out.
  8. Apo


    i disagree with third classes and if one day they get implimented in this server ill make myself sure to be the first to quit. But BG should be implimented just need some work to be done with the hardware
  9. Apo


    we 2 busy 2 read =[
  10. Apo


    dont believe on sushi he cheated on me
  11. I was looking for it too, I needed a sloted CK, and personally though that we could probably add the chnace to slot Valkyrie Armor set to put some competition versus Forsaken ones.
  12. Apo

    Jon's Store

    Here's a list of what I'm selling. Taekwon Weapon Stalker Bow Stalker Dagger Doppelganger Card Pharaoh Card x3 Dark Priest Card Lord of Death Card x3 Tao Gonka Card x3
  13. Apo


  14. Apo

    3rd Jobs

    close to new? it's been more than 2 years,a nd 3rd classes sucks kthxbai
  15. Technically saying, it's impossible to change of vending currency just because you are in a certain map, but a new Vending skill can be completly coded to support Donation Coupon currency instead of zeny. But I doupt it will happen. I'm not a coder myself but let's just say it's eaiser said than done.
  16. Apo

    L4d Nes

    My bro showed me this and I though I'd share it, the guy will actually release this game.
  17. Apo


  18. Then spawn times aren't even right. MVP Boss, Aggressive (12 hour respawn time)
  19. Makes me think of Beelzebub which is something like 10 min - 12 hours?
  20. Apo


    I'll see it for a RAW
  21. im pretty sure that 90% of mvp cards come from donation making mvp a mere alternative unless its for ice pick, but i still disagree with a spawn time modofication
  22. Apo


    Gold Valkyrie Helm[???] Taekwon Weapon[???] post or pm me your offer
  23. WOW, nice car.
  24. Who you?
  25. Apo

    You're the noobiest so you coppied me

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