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Forsaken Council
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About Sangreal

  • Birthday 12/01/1989

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Sangreal's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Happy birthday, gay. :3

  2. Happy bday pete! ;)

  3. ilu. Stop makin' jokes. ;>

  4. Sangreal

    sacred wings

    1,100 Coupons niggaaah

  6. Merry Xmas ;)
  7. c'mon man just come back...

  8. Sangreal

    Thanatos Cards!

    Like I said before I wasn't taking any personal shots at anyone until Athena did so first. I didn't want to cause no big drama bullshit. But like I said before I still believe it to be unfair because of the Champion class having 2 Nemesis's Sinx and Paladin. I'm not saying what you did was wrong but I am saying in my own mind that what you did to nerf a class was unfair. If you decide to nerf one class than nerf the others as well to even out the playing field. Just because a few good select players are extremely well proficient at one class doesn't mean there proficient at others. Time + Practice = Results. And it shows when you constantly practice to be the best. Each class has it's set backs and has it's pro's but just nerfing a class because a few people say the class is over-powered is a huge over-statement of things. Blowing things out of proportion isn't going to make things better. Instead like Smooth said him self. He doesn't understand why people can't just fight back against Champions. He can survive, you just have to know the game better. ;)
  9. Sangreal

    Thanatos Cards!

    i quit because of my personal life issues, just because i don't type all proper and add in huge amounts of description, doesn't mean i quit because of the thanatos card effect being nerfed. so stop making stupid assumptions. Here to clarify I QUIT BECAUSE OF MY PERSONAL LIFE MATTERS, BUT HAVING THE THANATOS CARD NERFED FOR THE CHAMPION CLASS JUST MADE IT NO FUN. I DID NOT QUIT BECAUSE OF THE THANATOS CARD BUT I DID QUIT BECAUSE OF THINGS HAPPENING WITH MY REAL LIFE SITUATIONS. does that clear it up for you genesis? jeez. anyway i'm saying it's unfair as to why it got nerfed every class has a down fall. you just have to know what and how to play them.
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