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Mei Mei

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Everything posted by Mei Mei

  1. "Trying to figure out why Annie spelled 'funniness' wrong." :)
  2. Happy 18th Birthday.(: ♥
  3. Mike wanted me to post his picture.
  4. Bluethatissoamazing. ;__; I give it 10/10. :)!!
  5. Good luck to anyone applying. ^_^
  6. ♥ You'll like it here. :) ^_^
  7. Mei Mei


    Welcome to Forsaken-RO. :) I hope you will like it here. ^_^
  8. 375! :) 625 more to go! ^_^
  9. Mei Mei

    Hie i'm new~

    Welcome to the server, I hope you like it here. ^_^
  10. Blueberry has my vote. :) I like the color scheme, and the huge hand. <33 ^_^
  11. They are just testing right now, they never said all of these changes will stay. But it's possible. And even if that happens in about a year or whatever, it will take a very very long time until eAthena gets this done. And EVEN then again, WE are able to change it to what we like to have it (for example slower AttackSpeed sounds weìrd) >_<
  12. Mei Mei


    Welcome to the server. ^_^
  13. Uhh. I thought you could get speed potions in the turbo room (turbo_room). So instead of doing the 3 Npcs try doing it in the turbo room. It's a lot easyier. :) ^_^
  14. Mei Mei

    Hi :)

    Thanks for welcoming me to the forums. :)
  15. Mei Mei

    Hi :)

    I don't know what to really put here. So, Hi :) :blush:
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