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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Anarii

  1. Anarii

    Hey Guys

    wats up.
  2. Sounds great
  3. You have only one RO song, good thing it was the right one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyhMN5jUgw0&feature=channel_video_title
  4. What ^ said. If that doesn't sound pleasing to you, some other options are : 1. Donate 2. Find some friends and leech 3. Find a WoE guild willing to sponsor you for your services 4. Make a girl character and seduce (top option imo) Other than that not much, other than the daily events which should just be a complement to your farming/money making.
  5. Anarii

    Gallery - Accel

    nice to see more gfx artists in the community, and didn't post on your thread so welcome!
  6. On a related note, that's not really that bad. Desp damage isn't buffed and it's pretty much just a slightly better version of the rental wep. Don't see much wrong with it, the hp bonus won't stack well unless the gs has some hardcore vit.
  7. y ppl be hatin

  8. Anarii

    Ares' Edge

    sounds good, would be the counterpart to the spiral whores and add some diversity
  9. would make laddering a bit more exciting
  10. that's why i said "and of course there's good and bad luck", meaning it could take far less than 10000 times, or far more. and man u just beat me up LOL
  11. If it's not available through quests/drops ingame you can usually donate for headgears, $5 a pop as long as you know the iid and it's in the database.
  12. does it? statistically you would have to kill 10000 of the same monster to get a hat(sounds kinda hard for cat o ninetail and ESL, only 3-4 spawn every 1-2 hours), and of course there's good and bad luck. i'd understand if the effects compensated for it but right now they only hold aesthetic value. if that's what you guys intended then ignore me and plz dont beat me up
  13. welcome back remember you from back in 07 too, server's come a long way haha.
  14. Anarii

    Description On Imp

    ya ok
  15. i have her too letz play.
  16. add me Anarii
  17. As an owner of a white rucksack, I don't agree. Even if these added effects are "minimal", I think that the uniqueness, cosmetic advantages, and high prices are enough. Nothing is warranting an immediate change on those rucksacks. I sincerely don't believe that your proposed buff will increase competition that much, or if at all because: 1. One reason many players don't attend is because either they just lack interest or they feel that winning is out of their reach (for whatever reasons that may be) and this "mere" change you propose would "merely" change that interest level. 2. A good amount of players who propose a significant threat to GvG already have white rucksacks, thus many of those opt out. 3. Current status of the game, which is some sort of monopoly on GvG and just lack of "good" people willing to participate. 4. I don't GvG anymore, probably discourages the masses. I think that this really is just a point of view issue and there's no best path to go on, only thing you can do is keep fighting for what you want. tl dr; hell na nigga
  18. Anarii

    This Is Just Sad

    lol worthy, but i wouldn't count out the possibility that it might be the same person
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