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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Domremy!

  1. Domremy!

    This or that

    Your face, sir. Apples or oranges?
  2. Domremy!

    I'm alive ;o

    OGOD TYLER <3 Coathangers are for abortions. You know this. ):
  3. Domremy!

    I'm alive ;o

    Good. 8D You're too cool for this popsicle stand. ;D
  4. Domremy!

    I'm alive ;o

    Ohi. I was just remembering old times and such, and going through forums, I see that there's a lot of old faces out there that I used to play with. <: I just wanna say hi to all the old Epic Hearts members, and Vapo. Because oshit, you still play here? What a loser <3 Also to all the forum spammers that I used to post nonsense with (Mezri, Aso (even though you probably don't play here anymore, faggot), Icarus, Nightwing, Mike, (FML I forgot all your IGNs)) and a ton of others that I can't remember. ;_; I just wanted to say hi, and this is probably the wrong section, but ogod I don't even care. 8D

  6. Luls, char's a google thief. <3 fagz V fagz ^ I look weird =/ But I had to show the boys off. It was a performence or something so I wore all dat makeup. never again. :/
  7. aso, stop being ghey and post a tpbm. tpbm hates everyone. :(
  8. asoghey.
  9. omg, my messenger is being gay. so i'll just send you it through this: Srsly D:?

    Well, it's Remonstrance. I got back into EHearts like a week ago or so. But I probably won't be on much- I've moved to a low rater, which I prefer. But i'll be checking in :>

    Lol kthx.

  10. where doth thou claim thy prize?
  11. Yes. Yesyesyes.
  12. Domremy!


  13. omg i want in. when i get home i want my crayonz. promise. ilygenesis:)
  14. Autumn, just because they attacked you like that doesn't mean anything. She doesn't have to prove it. Thanks for dropping the subject. anyway, i want in the presidential pimp mobile :D
  15. Domremy!

    Prime Time!

    23 Raaaah! Maybe.? I hate math :(
  16. Nup :> I just remade and didn't tell no one. I wuz undercover as Remonstrance for a while :D

  17. False, I don't have the patience to stick a knife inside a pumkin accurately D; TPBM forgot to brush their teeth this morning? /gg
  18. Just because she's pretty doesn't make her a fake. Stop accusing the poor girl. And thank you, I got that hat at Oktoberfest, some german thing. HIJAY:)
  19. Happy birthday jay <3
  20. Oh XD In Jeanne D'Arc, it's a FRENCH town you start off in. That's funny.


  22. If I become a GM on a different server, i'm stealing your name. Is that okay? If you say no i'll still do it :)

  23. Olivejuice Forever. ( . )( . )

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