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About chalkiekun

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Novice (1/10)



  1. It's a troll post, if it wasn't obvious for you guys. EDIT: I have a better idea. Make a Valk Weapon that lets Stalkers autospell the plagiarized skill. Just like the Shadow Spell skill of Shadow Chasers.
  2. It's currently yellow and it makes it extra hard to see if the color you chose looks good until you exit the room. Please change it to default lighting color like the rest of the Forsaken City buildings. EDIT: Also, the stylist NPC keeps on stripping my Vote Forsaken Armor every time I talk to her.
  3. Sorry for not being clear enough. What I mean is, that is the stat written on the wiki for the LK Pike. I don't have one yet. I'm just confirming before crafting one. (I went to craft Legendary sword instead because the stat on the wiki for Pike looks underwhelming)
  4. Is this really the correct stat of Lord Knight Pike? Str +15. Dex +20. Max HP -105%. SP +50. Increase damage to Demihumans by 10%. Reduces all skills after cast delay by 5%. Increase damage with Brandish Spear by 50%. Increase Damage with Spear Boomerang by 40%. Decrease damage of Bowling Bash by 40%. Unbreakable Weapon The Max HP -105% is most likely a typo. But how about the damage increase for Brandish and Spear Boom? Most Legendaries are around 70-80% the power level of their Valkyrie weapons counterpart, but this one is only 25% of Ullr's damage boost. I just want to confirm before I craft one.
  5. Back then, non-donation only have Forsaken Elite set. It didn't have freeze immunity and did not include a headgear, so you are stuck with only 1 slot headgears. Yet there were players that were able to go toe-to-toe with Full donation sets. Right now we have it easier because we have Vote Forsaken King set. No need for a non-donate PvP. Sure, Valkyrie weapons outdamages Legendary weapons, but not to the point that you can't contest.(Except for LK Pike [+50%] vs Ullrs [+200%] WTF?) The biggest issue I see right now is that there's really nothing to sell for new players except Ygg Berries/Seeds because those who can afford to buy "rare" MVP cards(rich peeps/old players) already have them, and those that need them doesn't have enough token.
  6. Obviously Ullr's Glory and Black Halberd is better that Freyr, but what about Legendary weapons? Legendary Sword is only 20% short compared to Freyr's blade for BB. But Legendary Pike is 150% weaker than Ullrs Glory for Brandish/Boomerang. While Legendary Spear has an underwhelming weight for a Spiral Pierce weapon. Thoughts?
  7. I've seen people selling or talking about things such as Bio Set, Stalker G, Sniper Cset and LTD. I've searched for guides and browse the wiki and found nothing about them. (Honestly the forum feels dead compared to the old days). Where can I find the information about them? Unrelated question: why is the Lord Knight Spear only have 110 weight? Seems counterintuitive for a weapon designed for Spiral Pierce(I wish I didn't gave my Elite Lord Knight Pike away).
  8. Why is the weight of the Lord Knight Spear only 110? Isn't that counterintuitive? What's the point of having +140% Spiral Pierce if the weight is so low?
  9. Hi. I'm a former player from a long long time ago. I just came back and all of my characters are named "null." Is there anything that I can do about it?
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